Roma Brothers with Joe and I |
Friday afternoon, Joe Ragan (serving in Donetsk, Ukraine) and I met for 3 hours with Roma (Gypsy) brothers at a Roma church in the town of Merifa, just 15 minutes from Kharkov to discuss the possibility of future ministry opportunities. Shown in the picture from the left: Rustam - pastor of the Merifa church; Vova - who lives and serves in the city of Balaklaya but helps with Roma work all over Ukraine; Yan - a deacon at the Merifa church; Joe Ragan, and me. Again, as we prayed before leaving, our hearts asked for the Lord's wisdom as we consider what the Lord is doing, and how he would have us to join him. May each of us seek the Lord, and his wisdom, in making decisions that impact us, our families, our neighbors, and, perhaps, the world, for eternity!
Sunday, September 30th Pastor Igor and the members of New Hope Ukrainian church are in the process off seeking a place to rent where they can meet for services and small group ministry. The women I met with this week for a baking "class" (shown in the photo below) shared they had found a place near the center of Kharkov that they are praying about renting. Intercede for this body of believers as they ask the Lord for wisdom and knowledge of his will.
New Hope women enjoying some of the sweets they baked! |
Tuesday, October 2nd This past Saturday we gathered with Amanda and her fiancé Oleg to celebrate their engagement and future wedding. We praise the Lord for how he is moving the visa application along for Oleg. Please continue to pray for them as they make decisions about personal items they have from their homes. Pray the Lord will provide buyers for items they choose to get rid of before moving to Alaska in January, 2013.
Wednesday, October 3rd This will be my last meeting with the group from New Hope studying Breaking Free. Praise to the Father for those in the group who are already doing a wonderful job of facilitating the study each week. Pray they will be faithful to continue to meet and finish the study. Ask the Lord to bring new women into the group when they move to another study.
Thursday, October 4th The Book Club will continue to meet each Thursday evening in my apartment during my time in the states, with Amanda leading the group through the study of Hebrews. Pray the Lord would continue to work in the hearts and minds of each person who comes, drawing each one who is not yet a follower of Christ into that personal relationship, and strengthening and growing those who are followers of Christ.
Friday, October 5th Pray for me as I try to take care of any "loose ends" before my departure on Sunday for Kiev, with a Monday morning flight to the states. Ask the Lord to grant me his heart, and wisdom, as I prepare to share with churches in the states about the people of the Kharkov region of Ukraine. Pray for Alex, Yana, and their infant son, Hector, as they prepare to live in my home for the next 3 1/2 months.
Saturday, October 6th Last Saturday, Pastor Vitaly Sorokun and New Hope International Church led a "Welcome to Kharkov" orientation meeting for international students who have just arrived in Kharkov for study. They invited international students new to the area, with the desire to help them avoid some of the issues others have faced as well as enjoying a time of fellowship. They will continue offering these meetings every week until mid-December. Pray for the Lord to bless this outreach through bringing new students who are already believers into the fellowship of New Hope, and laying foundations of true faith in the lives of those who are not yet believers.
I am asking the Lord to grant me opportunities to see many of you face to face while I am in the states the next few months. Your prayers are so vital to the work the Father has called us to do in the Kharkov region. Thank you even now for your faithful intercession, encouragement, and support!
IMPACTing the Kharkov region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!
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