Saturday, February 25, 2012

Team Kharkov Prayer Requests February 26th-March 3rd

For the commandments…..are summed up in this word: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’  Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.  Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep.  For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.” (Romans 13:9a, 10-11 ESV)

These were the verses from Romans 13 that the Lord led us to focus on in The Book Club Thursday evening.  It was an unusual class time – many of our “regulars” were either unable to come due to it being “Man’s Day” (similar to our Father’s Day), or came in much later than usual.  We began with just 5 people in our conversational English time, and one of them was a man named Evgenie (Eugene).  He has been coming for most of this year’s classes, but speaks little or no English.  He dresses and looks rather “unique,” and calls himself a mystic or holy man.  His “uniqueness” is not really a problem, but in recent weeks he has sought to teach class members about his pagan beliefs during break times or have us show a dvd that explains more. 

Throughout this week (before our group met), I was burdened in prayer for Evgenie, and for our group, recognizing the time had come to in some way address the issues that have arisen as a result of some of his conversations with other members of our group.  At the same time, I was studying Romans 13 to teach, and struggled with how to show love to each person in our group, including Evgenie, while still confronting some of the issues that have been raised.  Instead of our usual conversational English teaching time, I just asked everyone in the group “Why do you want to study English.”  That question gave everyone in the group (including latecomers who joined us) the opportunity to practice their English as they shared. 

When we got to Evgenie, however, his answer led to the “confession” that he his ultimate purpose in coming each week was to share his mystic/pagan beliefs.  Without going into any more detail (due to the value of your time), in love I told Evegenie that our group was not the place to share those beliefs, primarily since we had always been very open to let our group members know our greatest desire is that they would know Christ as Savior and Lord.  We invited him to continue to be a part of this group IF he wanted to learn English, and IF he was open to hearing about, and perhaps come to know Jesus Christ personally, but there would be no sharing in the group, or even during break (because people had felt threatened), about his own pagan beliefs.

Evgenie left when we had our break before beginning our Bible study time, but I told him before he departed that our desire was that one day he would know Christ.  Our discussion the Bible study time was an outpouring of what we had gone through (with Evgenie) during the first part of our time together that evening, and I must trust the Lord used all that transpired for His glory.  Join us in praying for Evgenie and others within this group that are not yet believers in Jesus!  May we ALL understand that the time is short!  The return of Jesus is closer this day than it was yesterday, and there are multitudes outside our door, and even individuals within our homes, that we may need to confront with the gospel of Christ BECAUSE of His love manifested in us!

Here are some other ways you can come alongside us in prayer this week:
  •           We continue to work on the logistics for a construction/medical team that will minister in Zmeeov and Balaklaya in early May.  For the first time, we will be housing the team in a hotel near Zmeeov instead of in host homes in Kharkov to shorten our time on the road, and allow more time for ministry.  This is also the first volunteer team Amanda and I have been responsible for without the leadership of our former team leader.  Ask the Lord to give both of us wisdom as we work with our Ukrainian partners in seeking transportation options.  Pray the Father would provide us with the “perfect” translators for the tasks – construction and medical outreach.  Pray for the Lord’s provision for the volunteer team members who have made the commitment to be His hands and His feet in the Kharkov region of Ukraine.

  • "A" is an Iranian student who just completed his degree in veterinary science in Kharkov.  He is now a believer, and as such is unable to return to his homeland.  He called this week requesting prayer as he seeks to know the Father’s plans for him.  He would like to pursue a doctorate here, but his family is not able to get financial support to him because of the restrictions on Iran.  Ask the Lord to show Himself mighty on "A"’s behalf.  Pray "A" would know clearly the path he is to walk in obedience to the Lord. 
On the road to Balaklaya

  • I spent about 6 hours on the road yesterday (Friday) driving from Kharkov to Balaklaya to seek out other housing options for our volunteer team.  On the journey, I was reminded of how little I know of the Kharkov region apart from the city of Kharkov and a few small villages/cities we have been to in the past 8½ years.  I prayed as I drove through some small cities I have never really explored, and asked the Lord to give us an opportunity to work alongside Ukrainian believers to reach out into those cities to see new believers born into the family of God.  Pray the Father would raise up young Ukrainian believers with a vision for going beyond the borders of their community to see the light of Christ shine into the darkness beyond.  Pray for Amanda and I as we seek to visit new communities in the months ahead to see where He is at work.
  • Intercede for Pastor Yuri of Zmeeov as he continues to seek part-time work to support his family, even as he leads the church in Zmeeov, and works as the “Responsible Pastor” for his region of the Kharkov oblast.  Pray for health for his family as his wife and children at times struggle with ongoing medical problems.
  •  “XTZ” Church continues to look for a meeting place since their rent on their current location is only paid through the end of March.  Pray the Lord would show them His plan for continuing His work through this small body of believers in this region of the city. 
  • Breaking Free group continues to meet each Saturday.  Please pray for each of us as we seek Him, and the freedom only He can give us.

Please forgive the lengthy writing this week, but there are times when we would like to try to give you a little more “depth” of the work with individuals and groups.  Your prayers, and emails of encouragement undergird much of what we do!  Thank you for your faithfulness to pray, to give, and to come when the Lord leads!

IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Team Kharkov Requests February 19th-25th

“Look among the nations, and see; wonder and be astounded.  For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told.” (Habakkuk 1:5 ESV)

This is one of our favorite scriptures when we consider how the Lord God is doing wonderful and astounding works all around us each and every moment.  This past week we had the opportunity to sit with Pastor Sergei Dotsko and his wife, Marina, as he shared some of the things the Lord has been doing through their association of churches in Ukraine. 

We are seeing the Lord working in the hearts of Ukrainian to catch a vision for social ministry – reaching out with the love of Christ to the hurting and downcast.  As winter settled in this year, the Lord led their association (which Sergei leads) to supply coats for children and families that were unable to buy them.  They wanted to buy 1,000 coats, but found the least expensive cost for a children’s coat to be 150 griven (a little less than $20).  As they were “shopping,” they met a businessman who was liquidating his coat supply, and sold all his supply to them for 30 griven each (less than $4). 

The picture shows Oksana and her daughter who received new coats as a result!  Her daughter could not wait to get to school the next day and show all the other kids what the Lord had given her!  Praise the Lord with us for how He is working in a “terrible economy,” in the hearts of even non-believers, so that His people can share the love of Christ in very visible ways! 

Sunday, February 19th  You have prayed for the church start in the “XTZ” (short for Kharkov Tractor Factory) region of the city for several years.  They have continued to meet in the community building, with their rent paid until the end of March by Kharkov Central Baptist Church.  Central Baptist has told them they need to find a new location to meet or join back in with the central congregation.  Ask the Lord to provide a meeting place for Pastor Vitaly Mislanka and this small body of believers in the XTZ region of the city.

Monday, February 20th  We will be spending the day with colleagues from Budapest today, showing them the city of Kharkov and enjoying fellowship.  Ask the Lord to open our eyes to what He is doing around the city as we drive.  Pray we will see with His vision, praying for the city as we go.

Tuesday, February 21st  We will be driving 2 hours south of Kharkov today with our colleagues from Budapest to meet with our teammate from Donetsk, Joe Ragan.  Pray for safety and joy in the journey.  Ask the Lord to bless our time and our travel with His presence.

Wednesday, February 22nd  Praise the Lord for the opportunity to meet with V. to continue reading through Romans together one-on-one.  Intercede for her as she seeks to understand a relationship with Christ.  Pray for opportunities she may have to be a witness to family members. 

Thursday, February 23rd  The Book Club meets in my apartment each week, with 10 – 15 adults attending for conversational English and reading through the book of Romans together.  Please continue to pray the Lord would bring into the group a male Ukrainian believer who can assist us in interacting with some of the men who attend.  Pray the Father would cause each person who attends to be confronted with the power of the gospel.  Petition the Lord to grant us wisdom in dealing with some potential distractions within the group.

Friday, February 24th  Amanda will host her Monthly Sewing Circle at her home tomorrow.  Luba, a friend and believer, has invited 2 believers (mother and daughter) who are coming, as well as one non-believer who has committed to attend, and another who is “thinking about it.”  Rejoice with us for the opportunity the Lord is giving for this group to meet.  Pray for Amanda to gain confidence and direction from the Lord in leading the women not only in sewing, but in spiritual conversations that may arise.

Saturday, February 25th Pastor Sergei Dotsko shared a burden he has for their church, Living Hope, to start a rehabilitation center to minister to addicts and alcoholics.  Pray the Lord would raise up a man or couple with a vision and passion for this ministry outreach.  Ask the Lord to provide the perfect dwelling outside the city as a “home” for ministry to those in bondage.

IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Team Kharkov Requests February 12th-18th

“They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.” (Isaiah 61:4 NIV)
An Old Building in Downtown Kharkov
Our International student group is studying “Breaking Free” by Beth Moore.  Isaiah 61:4 is the memory verse for the week of study we are on, and was brought to mind as I mentioned “generational sin” in our conversational English group last night.  For generations, alcoholism and other addictions have held multitudes captive, devastating families and even the culture in many ways.  False teachings led generations away from God, into a void of atheism and moral wilderness. 

Join with us in praying the Lord would ignite a passion in His people in Eastern Ukraine for coming against the strongholds that have held generations captive through prayer.  Ask Him to fill them with a desire to go out into their cities to share the love of Christ with the multitudes living in bondage.

Sunday, February 12th  Give thanks to the Lord for how He is using Amanda to encourage and disciple youth at Christian Life church.  They are excited about the study of “Experiencing God,” with today being the study of week 1.  Pray the Lord will use this study, and His Word, to lay a solid foundation of faith in the hearts of each one participating. 

Monday, February 13th Vika is a young woman who has attended “The Book Club” English group off and on for the last few years.  She has not been able to attend for a while now because of work obligations, but has asked to meet with me (Linda) alone to study the Bible.  We’ll meet this afternoon and begin reading the Bible together again (we met for a while a year ago).  Pray the Lord will use His Word to lead Vika into a more intimate relationship with Christ. 

Tuesday, February 14th  Amanda and Natasha will begin the study of “Breaking Free” in Russian together today after completing “Experiencing God.”  Natasha shared that she is really excited about the study.  Pray the Lord would use His Word, and this material, to tear down any strongholds in Natasha’s life.  Intercede for Amanda as she “walks” through this study in Russian with Natasha, that the Lord would grant her understanding not only of the words, but of the meaning in the Ukrainian mindset.

Wednesday, February 15th  Please continue to pray for us as we explore new options for housing for our volunteer teams closer to the cities where they will minister.  Pray we would know His plan, and how to put into place all the logistics needed for a large medical team. 

Thursday, February 16th  Last week, as we discussed what it means to be a part of the body of Christ through Paul’s teachings in Romans 12, we talked about our desire and prayers that one day those coming would be part of a new church start.  Pray for us tonight as we dive into Romans 13 and discuss obedience to authorities that may be corrupt or oppressive.  Ask the Father to continue to work in the hearts and minds of all of us to know and obey His will.

Friday, February 17th  We are so blessed to be working with Ukrainian pastors and believers with hearts burdened for the lost in their communities, yet there is a great need for young men with a desire to be discipled and trained as leaders.  Pray the Lord would raise up a generation of young men with  “fire in their bones” to proclaim Christ to the people of Eastern Ukraine. 

Saturday, February 18th  Pray for our International Church Breaking Free group as we meet with them today for week 5 of the study.  Ask the Father to grant each of us the desire to allow Him to tear down the strongholds in our lives that have hindered us from knowing who we are in Christ. 

IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Team Kharkov Requests February 5th-11th

“From of old no one has hear or perceived by the ear, no eye has seen a God besides you, who acts for those who wait for him.” (Isaiah 64:4 ESV)
Prayerwalking Through Pictures
We praise Him for answering our prayers for the conference in Donetsk last weekend.  We had over 30 folks come in the cold Ukraine weather to be introduced to the concept of prayerwalking.  In preparing for the time, and in sharing with those who came, I found the Lord working even more in my heart to bring me back to the promises the Father has given us if we pray, and wait expectantly for Him to act in power throughout the Kharkov region, Eastern Ukraine, and all of the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Sunday, February 5th  At the beginning of each year, we and our colleagues throughout the world have the opportunity to write out goals the Lord has laid upon our hearts and minds for the year to come.  Please continue to pray for Amanda and I as we prayerfully seek the plans He has for us individually and corporately for 2012.  Ask that He would grant us vision that is beyond our abilities, that He would receive the honor, glory, and praise.

Monday, February 6th  Over 100 persons in Ukraine, most of them homeless, have died due to the extreme low temperatures of the past 2 weeks.  Homeless shelters are almost non-existent in this nation, but in the past week over 1000 tents with heaters have been put up in various cities of the country to try to provide some warmth.  Pray the Lord would cause His people to use this difficult time as an opportunity to reach out to “the lease of these.”

Tuesday, February 7th Praise to the Father for continuing to give young women a desire to study His Word with Amanda each Tuesday!  Petition the Lord to lead each one into deeper, more intimate relationships with Him as He reveals himself through the Word.  Pray for family members of these women who either have not yet received Christ as Lord and Savior, or do not yet have the passion for growing in Christ.  Pray He will grant Amanda wisdom in leading the times they study together.

Wednesday, February 8th  In the months to come we will be traveling at least one Sunday each month to a church outside the city of Kharkov with a desire to build relationships with other believers, and allow the Lord to speak to our hearts and minds concerning future ministry.  Ask the Lord to direct our paths to those villages and cities where He is already working, and desires that we would join Him.  Pray we would be an encouragement to believers wherever we go.

Thursday, February 9th  The Lord surprised us with three new people and a larger than anticipated group for The Book Club last week on what was the coldest day of the year!  He continues to answer our prayers to lead people in this group into deeper relationship with Him.  Please continue to pray for a Ukrainian believer to join us with a vision for starting a new church from this group. 

Friday, February 10th We give thanks to our Lord for providing the finances for Larissa to begin receiving treatment that will lead to her first eye surgery to remove a cataract from one eye.  Pray for Zhenya Molodchy as he continues to drive Larissa and her mother from her home 80 km away to her appointments in Kharkov.  Please continue to pray Larissa’s sight can be restored to a level allowing her to find her way around the facility where she lives without assistance.

Saturday, February 11th  Please continue to pray for all the details for our volunteer teams to fall into place in the weeks to come.  Ukrainians do not usually plan too far in advance, but there are some things that need to be confirmed and done as far ahead of time as possible.  Pray the Lord would be working in the hearts of multitudes in the cities of Zmeeov, Balaklaya, and Kharkov, preparing them to hear the truth of the Word, and receive the gift of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!