Saturday, October 29, 2011

Team Kharkov Requests October 30th-November 5th

"But if I say I'll never mention the Lord or speak in His name, His word burns in my heart like a fire. It's like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can't do it!" (Jeremiah 20:9)

We have some dear friends, Zhenya and Natasha Molodchy, who exemplify this passage of Scripture so well!  I have never been with them when they were not telling me about opportunities they have had to share with others the Living Truth.  And their question, when we talk with them about what we are doing, is always:  "and how are you able to share the gospel with them?"  I always come away from our times of fellowship and prayer with His Word burning a little hotter in my heart, looking for those people He will put across my path that need that same Fire in their lives.

Part of the Lab we Amanda and I will be involved in the next 5 days with colleagues will involve taking Christ in us to the streets.  We don't know yet how our leaders will guide us to use those times, but my heart's desire is for His word to be burning so fervently within me that I cannot hold it in!  May He fan into flame a passion for Him that consumes all within us that is not of Him!  Pray we will all find ourselves overwhelmed with the desire to share with each and every person we see in this coming week some part of Who Christ is in our lives!

Sunday, October 30th  New Hope will have International Student Day today in their 2:00 p.m. service.  This church is strategically located in the Saltavka region of Kharkov, and next to 2 universities, and thousands of apartments.  In the past, students from 20 or more countries have attended services on this day.  Pray the Lord would draw the nations to New Hope today, and lead many of the students to join them in services throughout this school year.  Ask the Lord to raise up many Ukrainian believers in the Saltavka region to grow spiritually and go out into the region through New Hope.

Monday, October 31st  Pray for Amanda and I as we continue meeting with colleagues until Wednesday evening this week in a Lab designed to help each of us get back to focusing on keeping the Main Thing (Christ) the Main Thing!  Ask the Lord to use this time to encourage, restore, and renew all of us as we gather.  Pray for Mike and Linda Ray, our team supervisor and Eastern Ukraine leaders as they facilitate and lead our group in Kiev before traveling on Friday to lead a Lab in Romania for personnel there.

Tuesday, November 1st  The Father is granting many opportunities for Zhenya and Natasha to take the Word into prisons, rehab centers, as well as other places we are not free to mention right now. (They are shown in the picture with their 2 children Jon and Masha - Zhenya in the white shirt, and a friend in the striped shirt.)  Zhenya is also missions pastor at Christian Life church in Kharkov.  Pray for the Lord to grant them wisdom and knowledge of His will for the many doors that seem to be opening in their lives for ministry.  Intercede for their financial needs to be met by the Father in ways that magnify His glory.

Wednesday, November 2nd  Amanda has been invited to be a part of the leadership team for the youth group at Christian Life Church. Pray for this small group of youth as they haven't met at all in a long time and are trying to get started again. Ask the Father to give them direction and to empower Ruslan, who is the youth leader, to move boldly into the role of leadership the church has given him.

Thursday, November 3rd  Amanda and I are scheduled to arrive back in Kharkov around 12:30 today, then host the Book Club this evening for English conversation and Bible study.  We praise Him for all He is doing in all of our lives through our discussion of the book of Romans.  Pray for Amanda as she leads the Bible study tonight, beginning Chapter 9 of this book.  Ask the Lord to give her the energy she needs after a long trip, and the words He desires to be spoken into the lives of each person coming.

Friday, November 4th  Nadia Morokovetz, women's ministry leader for the Kharkov region, has asked our team to conduct leadership training for women in ministry in this region in December.  Intercede for us as we seek His wisdom and discernment to know how the Lord would have us conduct this training in a way that inspires and encourages the women leading groups throughout the region.

Saturday, November 5th  Baptist women in the Kharkov region, including Amanda and I, will gather today at Central Church in Kharkov for a day of prayer for the country of Ukraine.  Pray this will be a time for each of us to encounter the Father as we lay the needs of this land before His throne.  Ask Him to take the prayers of His precious daughters and move the mountains of unbelief in the hearts of multitudes in this land.

Zhenya and Natasha - opportunities they have to go into usually "closed" places in the Kharkov region to share Truth; "School without walls" 9-16 students, amy just coming out of rehab; meeting with women at rehab center through Red Church;

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Team Kharkov Requests October 23rd-29th

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.  You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.” (Hebrews 10:35-36)

To persevere:  “to persist in anything undertaken; maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly.”  (  We can be certain that any time we set our hearts and minds to obey the will of God, the enemy of our souls will seek to cause us to be sidetracked by difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.   Hebrews 11 gives us multiple accounts of those who persevered, who chose to pursue the will of God regardless of the cost, that God alone would receive glory, honor, and praise. 

Your partnership in prayer for Team Kharkov and the people of the Kharkov region of Ukraine helps us to move forward with confident expectation!  Pray we will continue to persevere, to “maintain” the purpose He has given us to work alongside our Ukrainian brothers and sisters in Christ so that every single person in the Kharkov region has the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.

Sunday, October 23rd Today, Living Hope Baptist Church (pastor Sergei Dotsko) will celebrate Zhatva – a time of giving thanks for the harvest. Praise Him for how He is using this body of believers to reach out to family, friends, and neighbors in the Zalytina region of the city of Kharkov. Ask the Father to draw many nonbelievers to this time of thanksgiving, and into a relationship with Christ. 

Monday, October 24th Pastor Vitaly Maslanka of “XTZ” church has asked everyone to pray for his 16 year old daughter, Deanna.  She has lost all desire to read her Bible or be involved with the church.  She is their only daughter, and Vitaly and his wife ask you to pray for wisdom that they might know how best to encourage, love, and discipline Deanna.  Intercede for Deanna, petitioning the Lord to draw her back into fellowship with Him by the power of His Spirit.
Tuesday, October 25th  We give thanks to the Lord for the opportunity to fellowship with the women’s ministry leadership group for the Kharkov region last Friday (shown in prayer in the photo above).  Pray for Amanda and I as we meet today with Nadia Morokovets, women’s ministry leader, for a time of prayer and encouragement.  Ask the Lord to lay across our hearts and minds His plans, and His purpose for reaching women in the Kharkov region with the power of the love of Christ. 

Wednesday, October 26th Pray for Team Kharkov as we begin to make plans to visit churches throughout the Kharkov oblast, many for the first time.  Petition the Father to make His will clear to both of us as to where and when He would have us go out into the region.

Thursday, October 27th We praise Him for how He is answering our prayers for those in The Book Club.  Last week over 20 individuals gathered in my apartment to sing worship songs, study a little bit of English, and discussion of more of Romans 8.  Tonight we will finish that chapter with a time for everyone to share questions and thoughts they have after reading over the chapter again this past week.  Intercede for those who have heard the Truth, but have yet to respond through repentance and trust.  Pray for Amanda and I as we seek to share His Word and His love.

Friday, October 28th  Please continue to pray for believers in Kharkov as they make preparations even now for outreach during the EURO 2012 football (soccer) matches that will be held in Kharkov in June, 2012.  Ask the Lord to fill His people with purpose and vision to use this opportunity for outreach in their communities and city. 

Saturday, October 29th  Pray for Amanda and I as we travel to Kiev today for a lab with colleagues for the Black Sea Orthodox cluster.  Ask the Lord to cause the days ahead to be a time of encouragement and renewal for each of us as we gather together not only to learn, but also to go out into the city to seek opportunities for sharing what we have learned.

IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Team Kharkov Requests October 16th-22nd

"The key to the missionary's difficult task is in the hand of God, and that key is prayer.....The key is in following the Master's orders - the key is prayer. 'Pray the Lord of the harvest....' (Matthew 9:38)" (My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers - October 16th)
Do I live my life as though this statement were true?  As we (Amanda and I) consider the lostness of most of the 3 million Ukrainians in the Kharkov region, we are overwhelmed with the task of sharing the gospel - the "Good News" of Christ - with each and every one.  Yet He reminded me again this morning that this "task" is in His hands, not ours!  Pray with us.....pray for us.....pray for yourself....."Pray the Lord of the harvest" will grant each of us an unquenchable thirst for Him, and a passion for sharing Him with those around us who have eyes blinded and hearts hardened by the enemy of our souls.

"The Book Club" singing together this week
Sunday, October 16th  "You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek You; I thirst for You, my whole being longs for You, in a dry and parched land where there is no water."  (Psalm 63:1 NIV) Today is the Day of prayer for European People Affinity of IMB.  Please join us in pray the Lord of the Harvest would cause the hearts of His people to thirst for Him, to seek Him first, more than seeking the things He can provide.  Ask the Father to fill each and every place where believers gather this day with the power of His presence, and passion to make Him known.  (A downloadable pdf prayer guide for European people can be found at
Monday, October 17th  Over the past few months my (Linda) mom, Ginny Wharton, has had several episodes physically that have "sidelined" her from the busy life she loves.  This past week, she has ended up in the emergency room twice for severe pain in her legs and back, along with weakness.  So far the doctors have been unable to diagnose the cause.  Join us in praying the Lord would make evident whatever is causing the problem, as well as the measures necessary to correct it.  Pray for my sister who lives near my mom as she and her daughter have sought to meet my mom's needs, and help in every way possible. 
Tuesday, October 18th  Pray for Amanda and Natasha as they continue to meet to "Experience God" together.  Intercede for them to both understand more fully His plan for them individually, and in the body of Christ.  Pray the Lord would give other young women the desire to meet with Amanda to study the Word and go deeper in their relationship with Him.
Wednesday, October 19th  Several of the New Hope International students have expressed a desire to meet to study "Breaking Free."  Pray for us as we meet with those who are interested to introduce the material to them, and discuss plans for future meetings.  Petition the Lord to bring into this group those young women whose hearts are prepared to seek His healing and freedom in Christ.  
Thursday, October 20th  We praise Him for the 18 folks who gathered at Linda's apartment last Thursday for "The Book Club" english group.  Our discussion (following an hour of conversational English study) continues in the book of Romans, this week again in Chapter 8.  Ask the Holy Spirit to continue to pierce the hearts of each one with the Truth of the Gospel as revealed in His Word.  Pray many within this group would "thirst" and "long" for Him, with a desire to submit their lives to Christ as Lord and Savior.
Friday, October 21st  We will meet tonight with Nadia Morokovitz, regional women's ministry leader for Baptist Union Churches, and her leadership committee to discuss plans for this year.  Pray for Amanda and I as we seek to know His will in coming alongside our sisters in Christ to encourage and assist according to His plans.  Petition the Lord to raise up many young women with a desire to be discipled and used by Him to disciple others.
Saturday, October 22nd  Ask the Lord to grant both of us good health throughout the winter months.  Pray the back discomfort we have both experienced will be healed by the Lord, so that we might enjoy the journey He has for us. 
Your prayers are vital to us as we seek to live each day in the center of His revealed will.  Thank you for remaining faithful in your ministry to us and the people of the Kharkov region through those prayers!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Team Kharkov Requests October 2nd-8th

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.....It is the Lord Christ you are serving."  (Col. 3:23-24)  What a wonderful reminder this verse is for me!  Regardless of where I am, or what I am doing - whether in Kharkov at "work" or in another country "sidelined" for a while for a time of physical healing - all I am doing should be done for the Lord Christ with all my heart!  

I thought about this as I rode the tram back to the Eden House where we stay when receiving medical care in Budapest.  I had just completed a round of physical therapy, provided by a very skilled young therapist who is from Israel.  Our conversation during our time together had actually led to an opportunity to share the Name of Jesus, what the Bible says about His Name, and some of the things the Bible says about the last days.

I believe with all my heart the Lord provided such an opportunity, and will take even the words spoken in general conversation about Jesus and the Word and work in the heart of this young woman from Israel.  I have no doubt others have planted seeds of faith before me, and there will be those who continue to water those seeds in the future!  Join us in praying the Lord will continue to grant such opportunities for each of us, wherever we may be, whatever we are doing,  serving Him with all our heart each moment of every day!
Sunday, October 2nd  New Hope Church in Kharkov will begin their International Church services this afternoon following their Russian service.  It is not unusual to have university students from over 20 nations represented each week during the school year.  Pray for Team Kharkov as we seek to minister to International women students through small group ministry.  Intercede for Pastor Vitaly Sorokun (shown in photo above) as he seeks to equip New Hope believers to reach the Saltavka region of Kharkov with the love of Christ.

Monday, October 3rd  Pray for me as I have physical therapy each day this week to correct a herniated disk in my lower back.  I praise the Lord for the relief I am already experiencing, and what I am learning to help in the future.  Ask the Lord to provide more opportunities this week to serve Him in word and deed, even while away from Ukraine.

Tuesday, October 4th  Amanda continues to study Experiencing God each week with Natasha.  Pray the Lord would cause His Word to encourage, strengthen, and guide both of them as they study together.  Intercede that the Lord would work through the changes He is bringing in Natasha's life to impact her family for the glory of God.

Wednesday, October 5th  We praise our Father for granting Amanda opportunity to strengthen her relationship with Marina, and the desire Marina has to know more about Him.  Please continue to pray for her healing physically (from lymphoma), and for a heart open to and transformed by the Truth.

Thursday, October 6th  Plans are to move The Book Club to Thursday nights this year and meet at one of our apartments rather than a church.  Petition the Father to draw each one who attends into a personal, intimate, eternal relationship with Jesus in the weeks and months to come.  Pray He would grant us wisdom as we seek to walk according to His plan and His will with those who are drawn into this group.

Friday, October 7th  As this is being written (on Saturday), I'm anticipating a return to Kiev on Saturday, October 8th following a week of physical therapy.  I will have to buy my return ticket when the return is confirmed by the doctor.  Pray I will be able to secure a return ticket for the first day after receiving medical clearance.  Ask the Lord to cause all the return plans to fall into place according to His will.

Saturday, October 8th  Pray for Amanda and I as we prayerfully consider His plans for us as Team Kharkov in the coming months.  Ask Him to unite our hearts to accomplish His purposes for us individually and together, for His glory, honor and praise.

IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!