Friday, September 14, 2012

Team Kharkov Requests September 14th-22nd

Sixty beautiful sisters in Christ!
"To you, O Lord, I call; my rock, be not deaf to me.....Hear the voice of my pleas for mercy, when I cry to you for help, when I lift up my hands toward your most holy sanctuary." (Psalm 28:1-2)  "Lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the LORD!" (Psalm 134:2)

Thank you so much for your prayers for our women's retreat held a week ago in southern Ukraine.  We had a week of perfect weather, beautiful fellowship, and soaking in the Word of God.  What a joy it was to watch as women of all ages who had never seen the sea played like small children in and around the waters of the Azov Sea!

We had the opportunity to renew and deepen relationships with the women we knew, and begin new relationships with all those we had not met before.  Ask the Lord to grant us future opportunities to encourage and share with the women in the Kharkov region of Ukraine.
(A photo set/slideshow from our camp can be viewed at

Friday, September 14th  We praise the Father for laying upon the hearts of international students attending New Hope Church the desire to start new cell groups in their apartments and/or hostels.  Tonight, four new groups will begin in the city of Kharkov.  Intercede for those who attend to be passionate about following hard after Christ even though they are thousands of miles away from their homes and families.

Saturday, September 15th  Pastor V (Vitaly Sorokun) is filled with anticipation and excitement over the cell groups being started through New Hope.  A 5th group will begin to meet outside of the city  at the Agricultural University, with focused outreach to French-speaking African students.  Pray this ministry will provide a place where many students will come to know Christ, and grow in their knowledge of Him.

Sunday, September 16th  Amanda and I will attend New Hope International church this morning to have an opportunity to renew relationships with the young women from last year's international group.  Pray for Pastor V as he seeks the Lord's plans for outreach to the thousands of international students and business persons in the city of Kharkov.  Ask the Lord to call out men within this church to work alongside Pastor V.

Monday, September 17th  We continue the process of registration to meet the official requirements for living in Ukraine.  We hope to return to the local "Zhack" (administration) today to start the last step of this process, after a "detour" last week when one of our documents was not notarized.  We are thankful for Tatiana, the administrator, who wants to help us through the process when we have the proper documents.  Pray for our documents to arrive this morning so we can meet with her, and for the "light of Christ" to shine through our lives, granting Tatiana a desire to know the Source of that light!

Tuesday, September 18th Pray for me (Linda) as I plan media and speaking presentations to share with churches in the states over the next few months.  Petition the Lord to fill me with a knowledge of his will for future ministry in the Kharkov region, and how American churches might partner with us in his plans.

Wednesday, September 19th The "Breaking Free" group from New Hope Ukrainian church continues to meet each Wednesday evening.  I praise him for giving the women a desire to continue to meet and facilitate the group on their own, and for the joy of being a part of what he is doing in their lives.  Pray for Luda, Anya, and Olya - three not-yet-believers who have been drawn by the Spirit to come almost every week.  Ask the Lord to cause the gospel which has been shared with them to lead to the fruit of repentance and new life in Christ.

Thursday, September 20th "The Book Club" English group will begin meeting tonight after the summer break.  This will be the 7th year this group has met, and some of the members of that original group continue to come and not only study English, but also the Bible through storying.  Pray for Amanda as she leads this group until January, possibly through the book of Hebrews.  Ask the Lord to bring exactly those he has chosen into the group,  and to draw each one who is not yet a believer into a relationship with Christ.

Friday, September 21st  Pray for me (Linda) as I travel to Dnipropetrovsk today to spend time with Mike and Linda Ray, our team leader.  This will be an opportunity to learn more about how to coordinate volunteer teams, work with our Ukrainian partners, and prepare more fully for my return as a single member on Team Kharkov in January.  Pray for a time of sweet fellowship even as they share their "expertise" with me!

Saturday, September 22nd  Please continue to pray for Amanda and Oleg as they continue through the visa process for Oleg.  Ask the Lord to grant them continuing peace and knowledge of his will for each step of the way as they let go of their lives here in the months to come, and plan for their new future life together. 

I praise the Lord for the opportunities he is granting for my time in the states for the next 4 months.  Please continue to pray for me to have wisdom and knowledge of his will as I continue to schedule my time with the family of God, my own family, and my friends.

IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

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