Saturday, September 29, 2012

Team Kharkov Requests September 30th-October 6th

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." (Proverbs 1:7)
Roma Brothers with Joe and I
Wisdom.....often over the past months, when I have asked for prayer needs from Ukrainian believers, the primary request has been:  "Please pray I will have wisdom."  Even in The Book Club english group on Thursday, that was the first "need" that was voiced.  According to the verse above, the root of wisdom begins with me having a "healthy" fear of the Lord.  I have experienced too often the consequences of following my own wisdom, leading an undisciplined life, to not have a fear of the Lord!  But it is a fear born out of the knowledge of his love for me, and his desire for me to follow so closely behind him that his plan for my life is unfolded day by day. 

Friday afternoon, Joe Ragan (serving in Donetsk, Ukraine) and I met for 3 hours with  Roma (Gypsy) brothers at a Roma church in the town of Merifa, just 15 minutes from Kharkov to discuss the possibility of future ministry opportunities.  Shown in the picture from the left: Rustam - pastor of the Merifa church; Vova - who lives and serves in the city of Balaklaya but helps with Roma work all over Ukraine; Yan - a deacon at the Merifa church; Joe Ragan, and me.  Again, as we prayed before leaving, our hearts asked for the Lord's wisdom as we consider what the Lord is doing, and how he would have us to join him.  May each of us seek the Lord, and his wisdom, in making decisions that impact us, our families, our neighbors, and, perhaps, the world, for eternity!

Sunday, September 30th  Pastor Igor and the members of New Hope Ukrainian church are in the process off seeking a place to rent where they can meet for services and small group ministry.  The women I met with this week for a baking "class" (shown in the photo below) shared they had found a place near the center of Kharkov that they are praying about renting.  Intercede for this body of believers as they ask the Lord for wisdom and knowledge of his will.
New Hope women enjoying some of the sweets they baked!
Monday, October 1st  I will meet this evening with Zhenya and Natasha Molodchy (and their 3 children) to discuss plans for volunteer teams and ministry when I return from the states in late January.  Our plea, again, is for wisdom, and for the Holy Spirit to direct our paths individually and corporately in the months ahead.  Pray for Zhenya as he helps me to "connect" with pastors and church leaders in the Kharkov region.

Tuesday, October 2nd This past Saturday we gathered with Amanda and her fiancĂ© Oleg to celebrate their engagement and future wedding.  We praise the Lord for how he is moving the visa application along for Oleg.  Please continue to pray for them as they make decisions about personal items they have from their homes.  Pray the Lord will provide buyers for items they choose to get rid of before moving to Alaska in January, 2013.

Wednesday, October 3rd  This will be my last meeting with the group from New Hope studying Breaking Free.  Praise to the Father for those in the group who are already doing a wonderful job of facilitating the study each week.  Pray they will be faithful to continue to meet and finish the study.  Ask the Lord to bring new women into the group when they move to another study.

Thursday, October 4th  The Book Club will continue to meet each Thursday evening in my apartment during my time in the states, with Amanda leading the group through the study of Hebrews.  Pray the Lord would continue to work in the hearts and minds of each person who comes, drawing each one who is not yet a follower of Christ into that personal relationship, and strengthening and growing those who are followers of Christ.

Friday, October 5th  Pray for me as I try to take care of any "loose ends" before my departure on Sunday for Kiev, with a Monday morning flight to the states.  Ask the Lord to grant me his heart, and wisdom, as I prepare to share with churches in the states about the people of the Kharkov region of Ukraine.  Pray for Alex, Yana, and their infant son, Hector, as they prepare to live in my home for the next 3 1/2 months.  

Saturday, October 6th  Last Saturday, Pastor Vitaly Sorokun and New Hope International Church led a "Welcome to Kharkov" orientation meeting for international students who have just arrived in Kharkov for study.  They invited international students new to the area, with the desire to help them avoid some of the issues others have faced as well as enjoying a time of fellowship.  They will continue offering these meetings every week until mid-December.  Pray for the Lord to bless this outreach through bringing new students who are already believers into the fellowship of New Hope, and laying foundations of true faith in the lives of those who are not yet believers.

I am asking the Lord to grant me opportunities to see many of you face to face while I am in the states the next few months.  Your prayers are so vital to the work the Father has called us to do in the Kharkov region.  Thank you even now for your faithful intercession, encouragement, and support!

IMPACTing the Kharkov region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Team Kharkov Requests September 23rd-29th

"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities.  For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God......Pay to all what is owed to them:  taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed." (Romans 13:1, 7) 
YEAH!  New Temporary Residency Cards in our hands!
Over the past 3 months all of our personnel in Ukraine have been confronted with the necessity to leave Ukraine to secure new visas, then return to go through the long process of receiving temporary residency permits.  Requirements have been different in almost every region of the country, since the law is new for the Ukrainian authorities as well as for foreigners living in Ukraine.  

While it is easy to be critical of how things are done when they don't necessarily conform to our cultural ideas, I have been reminded throughout this process of God's command to honor and respect those in authority - for they are only in those positions of authority by his will.  Join us in praising the Father for the opportunities we had through this process to begin relationships with some of those in authority, and for answered prayer in getting our permits signed, sealed, and delivered!

Sunday, September 23rd  Churches throughout Ukraine will hold "Zhatva" services on a chosen Sunday in September or October.  Pray the "Lord of the Harvest" will use these times of celebration and thanksgiving to plant the seed of the Word in the lives of not-yet-believers who attend these services with family and friends.

Monday, September 24th  Two weeks from today I will depart from Kiev for the states for a 3 1/2 month stateside assignment.  Pray for me as I continue to make decisions for scheduling opportunities to share about the work in Kharkov with churches in the states and time for renewal with family and friends.  Petition the Lord to grant me knowledge of his will in meeting with Ukrainian pastors and church personnel in these last 2 weeks in anticipation of sharing how Southern Baptists in the states can come alongside Ukrainian believers through short-term mission trips and strategic prayer in the Kharkov region of Ukraine.

Tuesday, September 25th  We praise the Father for how he is impacting lives through Living Hope Baptist Church and Pastor Sergei Datsko.  The church has a vision for offering hot meals and a place to get out of the winter weather for the homeless in Kharkov during the winter months.  Pray for the Lord's provision for workers and supplies as they share the love of Christ with "the least of these" in the Kharkov region.

Wednesday, September 26th  Women from New Hope Baptist Church (Ukrainian) continue the "Breaking Free" study each Wednesday night, usually completing only one or two days of the weekly lesson.  Their desire is to not only complete the study, but to allow the Lord to transform their lives.  Intercede for the truth of the gospel to bring those who are not-yet-believers into a relationship with Christ, and for those who are followers of Christ to grow more deeply in their relationship.
Amanda teaching from Hebrews 1
Thursday, September 27th  "We need to know more about Jesus!"  That was the response from one of the women who has attended The Book Club english group for the past 6 years when we asked what we should study next.  This past Thursday, we had 18 come to begin a journey through the book of Hebrews for that very purpose.  Petition the Father to change the hearts, minds, and lives of each and every person who attends.  

Friday, September 28th  Continue to intercede for the cell groups meeting on Friday evenings in apartments and hostels through the ministry of New Hope International Church.  Ask the Lord to bring many not-yet-believers into these groups, and cause them to  desire to follow after Christ.  Pray for additional groups to be started throughout the city of Kharkov among the thousands of university students - both international and Ukrainian.

Saturday, September 29th  This afternoon and evening, Amanda and Oleg will have an "Engagement Party" to share with family and friends the joy of what the Lord is doing in their lives.  Pray for this time of fellowship to be an opportunity for those who are not-yet-believers to be filled with a desire to know Christ as pastors from several churches share.  Pray for a time of encouragement and overflowing joy during the festivities of the evening.

We give thanks to the Father for the teams he is already leading to come to Kharkov in 2013.  If you would like more information, I would love to share with you how you might partner with us and our Ukrainian brothers and sisters in Christ through a short-term mission trip.  If you would like to know more, or meet together personally while I am in the states, please don't hesitate to write me at

IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Team Kharkov Requests September 14th-22nd

Sixty beautiful sisters in Christ!
"To you, O Lord, I call; my rock, be not deaf to me.....Hear the voice of my pleas for mercy, when I cry to you for help, when I lift up my hands toward your most holy sanctuary." (Psalm 28:1-2)  "Lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the LORD!" (Psalm 134:2)

Thank you so much for your prayers for our women's retreat held a week ago in southern Ukraine.  We had a week of perfect weather, beautiful fellowship, and soaking in the Word of God.  What a joy it was to watch as women of all ages who had never seen the sea played like small children in and around the waters of the Azov Sea!

We had the opportunity to renew and deepen relationships with the women we knew, and begin new relationships with all those we had not met before.  Ask the Lord to grant us future opportunities to encourage and share with the women in the Kharkov region of Ukraine.
(A photo set/slideshow from our camp can be viewed at

Friday, September 14th  We praise the Father for laying upon the hearts of international students attending New Hope Church the desire to start new cell groups in their apartments and/or hostels.  Tonight, four new groups will begin in the city of Kharkov.  Intercede for those who attend to be passionate about following hard after Christ even though they are thousands of miles away from their homes and families.

Saturday, September 15th  Pastor V (Vitaly Sorokun) is filled with anticipation and excitement over the cell groups being started through New Hope.  A 5th group will begin to meet outside of the city  at the Agricultural University, with focused outreach to French-speaking African students.  Pray this ministry will provide a place where many students will come to know Christ, and grow in their knowledge of Him.

Sunday, September 16th  Amanda and I will attend New Hope International church this morning to have an opportunity to renew relationships with the young women from last year's international group.  Pray for Pastor V as he seeks the Lord's plans for outreach to the thousands of international students and business persons in the city of Kharkov.  Ask the Lord to call out men within this church to work alongside Pastor V.

Monday, September 17th  We continue the process of registration to meet the official requirements for living in Ukraine.  We hope to return to the local "Zhack" (administration) today to start the last step of this process, after a "detour" last week when one of our documents was not notarized.  We are thankful for Tatiana, the administrator, who wants to help us through the process when we have the proper documents.  Pray for our documents to arrive this morning so we can meet with her, and for the "light of Christ" to shine through our lives, granting Tatiana a desire to know the Source of that light!

Tuesday, September 18th Pray for me (Linda) as I plan media and speaking presentations to share with churches in the states over the next few months.  Petition the Lord to fill me with a knowledge of his will for future ministry in the Kharkov region, and how American churches might partner with us in his plans.

Wednesday, September 19th The "Breaking Free" group from New Hope Ukrainian church continues to meet each Wednesday evening.  I praise him for giving the women a desire to continue to meet and facilitate the group on their own, and for the joy of being a part of what he is doing in their lives.  Pray for Luda, Anya, and Olya - three not-yet-believers who have been drawn by the Spirit to come almost every week.  Ask the Lord to cause the gospel which has been shared with them to lead to the fruit of repentance and new life in Christ.

Thursday, September 20th "The Book Club" English group will begin meeting tonight after the summer break.  This will be the 7th year this group has met, and some of the members of that original group continue to come and not only study English, but also the Bible through storying.  Pray for Amanda as she leads this group until January, possibly through the book of Hebrews.  Ask the Lord to bring exactly those he has chosen into the group,  and to draw each one who is not yet a believer into a relationship with Christ.

Friday, September 21st  Pray for me (Linda) as I travel to Dnipropetrovsk today to spend time with Mike and Linda Ray, our team leader.  This will be an opportunity to learn more about how to coordinate volunteer teams, work with our Ukrainian partners, and prepare more fully for my return as a single member on Team Kharkov in January.  Pray for a time of sweet fellowship even as they share their "expertise" with me!

Saturday, September 22nd  Please continue to pray for Amanda and Oleg as they continue through the visa process for Oleg.  Ask the Lord to grant them continuing peace and knowledge of his will for each step of the way as they let go of their lives here in the months to come, and plan for their new future life together. 

I praise the Lord for the opportunities he is granting for my time in the states for the next 4 months.  Please continue to pray for me to have wisdom and knowledge of his will as I continue to schedule my time with the family of God, my own family, and my friends.

IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Team Kharkov Requests September 2nd-8th

"Come, let us bow down in  worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care.  Today, if only you would hear his voice,....(Psalm 95:6-7)  "If only you would hear his voice......"  

In Aramaic, the language Jesus often spoke, the word for prayer was "shela" (pronounced shalu).  The word has the meaning "to open oneself" or "to listen to."  The daily prayer devotional, "Connection," said "seen in this way, prayer was the very breath of His life."  

As Jesus talked with his Father over many long nights, he not only spoke, but he listened.  He "soaked" in the presence of his Father, and I can only imagine he came away renewed, refreshed, and prepared for the new day the Father had before him by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Pray that each of us will take the time to be still before our Father, pouring out our heart when it is overflowing with petitions, but then listening for his answer.

New Hope International Church will begin services tomorrow (Sunday) at 9:00 a.m., welcoming back many of the students who have returned to study, and beginning relationships with new students as they come to the services.  Pastor Vitaly Sorokun has asked us to pray for those who are being trained as leaders of small groups and other outreach ministries in the church.  Their desire is to have at least 6 - 8 small groups meeting in apartments and hostels throughout the city this school year.  Ask the Father to lay a strong foundation of discipleship and accountability for this church.  Intercede for Pastor V to be filled with wisdom and knowledge of the Lord's will as he guides this young body of believers.

Also on Sunday, Amanda and I will be traveling with about 55-60 other women to southern Ukraine for a week-long women's camp.  The women are widows and single women from the Kharkov region.  Pray for safety in the journey (I will be driving), for wonderful fellowship for the women as they travel on the bus, and for a restful night of sleep after we arrive.

Would you join us each day in prayer for all of us?  Amanda and I will be teaching from the book of Colossians each morning.  I will teach on Monday morning, then we will alternate mornings throughout the week (Amanda on Tuesday, me again on Wednesday, etc.)  We have scheduled the daily activities for the week to give each person an opportunity to rest, to fellowship, to worship, and most of all, to hear from the Lord.  

Pray for each of us to be able to find that place of quiet throughout the week where the Lord might speak to our hearts individually.  Intercede for those who will be there who are either not-yet-believers, or who are struggling in their walk with the Lord.   Pray this will be a week when each of us will encounter our heavenly Father by the power of the Holy Spirit in such a way that each of our lives will be transformed!

We will return to Kharkov on Saturday, September 8th.  Amanda and I will begin the return earlier in the day, while the bus will return later.  Again, intercede for traveling safety and ease for the journey.  

We look forward to sharing with you next Sunday (when I have time to write again) how the Father answered our prayers.  Thank you for your faithful intercession for us, and for the people of the Kharkov region of Ukraine!

IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!