Friday, May 4, 2012

Team Kharkov Requests May 6th-12th

"While I was speaking and praying, confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and making my request to the LORD my God for his holy hill - while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice.  He instructed me and said to me, 'Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding.  As soon as you began to pray, an answer was given, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed" (Daniel 9:20-23a).

How fervent am I in my prayers?  Am I ready to pray with such passion and conviction that God will answer with "exceedingly, abundantly more than I can ask or imagine," just as He did when Daniel humbled himself before Him?  

Our desire as we go before the throne of grace this week is to pray as Jesus taught us:  "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." ((Mth. 6:10)  As we intercede for the labor of love through the hands of Mississippi volunteers and Ukrainian partners, we do pray for the hearts of many to be drawn into a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus!  Yet the ultimate purpose is to bring glory to our Father as we ask for His kingdom to come - and His will be done throughout every day this week.

Praise to Him for getting 20 volunteers across the ocean with 40 large pieces of luggage and 20 carry-on's arriving with them!  They made it through customs in Kiev with absolutely no problem and are now waiting to board the overnight train for their last leg of the journey to Kharkov.  Thank you for joining with us each day as we make our requests to the Lord our God for His holy hill - and His Kingdom to come to the cities of Zmeeov, Balaklaya, and Kharkov!  You can see where these cities are located through our Kharkov Oblast Prayer Points map at  

The House Of Prayer in Zmeeov
Sunday, May 6th - The Mississippi team will worship together with believers in Zmeeov this morning, followed by a 1/2 day of medical outreach.  The construction crew will begin to work as well, and will work each day this week at Zmeeov.  Pray the Holy Spirit would move with power throughout this small city in the days to come.   Pray for protection for the construction crew as they labor putting up wall board in the new sanctuary of this small church.

Monday, May 7th  Today will be a full day of medical outreach and construction in Zmeeov for volunteers from Longview Heights Baptist Church - Olive Branch, MS, FBC Grenada, and FBC Itta Bena.  Pray we would see a harvest of righteousness spring forth in the lives of many throughout this day.

One wall of the "sanctuary"
at the House of Prayer in Zmeeov
Tuesday, May 8th  The medical team moves on to the city of Balaklaya - about 45 minutes south of the hotel where we are staying this week.  Pray for safe travel on the roads, as well as for an outpouring of the Spirit upon believers in the church at Balaklaya.  Ask the Lord to cause each person who comes to receive physical healing to enter into a relationship with Jehovah Rapha, our Healer.

Wednesday, May 9th  Team Kharkov is part of the Black Sea Orthodox Cluster, which is  made up of 6 countries of the former Soviet Union - Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine.  Today, which is Victory Day in most of the former Soviet Union,  has been designated at the BSO Cluster Day of Prayer for Victory.  You can join us in praying for specific areas of our cluster through the Black Sea Orthodox Cluster Map at  Just click on a "pin" to view the prayer requests.  

Thursday, May 10th  Today will be our last day of medical outreach in the city of Balaklaya.  Pray we will see His Kingdom come in the lives of multitudes in this city.  Pray for this small church as they follow up in the weeks to come with those who came to the clinic.  Ask the Lord to grant them a passion for His glory that will change the city of Balaklaya for eternity.

Friday, May 11th  The construction team has their last day of work in Zmeeov today, while the medical outreach team will be at Christian Life Church in Kharkov for a one day outreach.  Intercede for this to be a day of breakthrough at CLC as they reach out to not-yet-believers through meeting their physical needs.  Ask the Lord to draw people to Christ as Lord and Savior today.  Pray for the volunteer team as they board a train at 10:30 p.m. Kharkov time for an overnight journey to Kiev.  

Saturday, May 12th  Praise the Lord with us for all He has done this week through the hands and hearts of His people.  Pray the Holy Spirit would continue to work in the lives of believers and not-yet-believers in the days and weeks to come.  Ask the Lord to grant the volunteer team a time of refreshment, renewal, and relaxation as they spend tonight in Amsterdam before beginning their final leg of the journey tomorrow to Mississippi.

Daily updates for the team (if possible) will be posted on our Team Kharkov facebook page throughout this week.  We can hardly wait to share with you how the Father answers our prayers for the people of the Kharkov region of Ukraine, and the team of volunteers who have invested their finances, their hearts, and their lives in obedience to His call!

IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

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