When the volunteer construction/medical team arrived 2 weeks ago, my heart and mind were filled with the phrase "Your kingdom come....." Others on the team had been sensing the same desire, and our hearts united in praying for that throughout the week.
The work on the church building in Zmeeov arose from a vision planted in the heart of Pastor Yuri that he shared with Team Kharkov in 2010, shortly after buying a building that had been gutted by an electrical fire. We "toured" the property and the building with a volunteer team from Missouri in August, 2010.
Pastor Yuri, his wife Olga, and their children |
Last May (2011) another volunteer team (from Mississippi) traveled to Zmeeov for 2 days to reach out to the community around the church building through medical outreach. On that trip, some of the team members were burdened with the need to come alongside Pastor Yuri to help in transforming the burned out building into a place where people could gather together to worship. From the moment they returned to their churches in the states, they began prayerfully planning for another, larger team to come in 2012 to not only do medical outreach, but to provide a construction team to work for the week in getting the sanctuary of the church prepared for services.
The slide show provided is long (86 photos) but it shows this building from the first time we saw it (in 2010) through the work of the construction team this month. I pray you will have the opportunity to view the photos, and as you do, to praise the One who moved in the hearts of His people 5000 miles away to pour themselves into this labor of love! Please continue to pray that His kingdom will come - not only to the small city of Zmeeov, but throughout the Kharkov region of Ukraine, and to the "uttermost" places of this world!
Sunday, May 27th Pray for Amanda and friends from "XTZ" church as they travel back from Kiev today following the seminary graduation ceremony for Vitaly Maslanyka. Ask the Lord to bless their time of fellowship with one another, particularly with Deena - Pastor Vitaly's daughter who has been drawn away from serving Christ.
Monday, May 28th Americans will celebrate Memorial Day today, remembering those who served and even sacrificed their lives for our country, and for our freedom. Pray for the hearts of the children of God to be reminded of the ultimate sacrifice of His Son - Jesus Christ - that we might experience true spiritual freedom, and eternal life!
Tuesday, May 29th Pray for opportunities this week to visit with some of our international students before they return to their homelands for the summer. Intercede for each one who will travel over very long distances to get home to their families. Pray the summer months will give them a time of refreshing and renewal.
Wednesday, May 30th Please continue to pray for the "Breaking Free" group meeting each Wednesday evening. The women who attend are from New Hope Baptist church, where Pastor Vitaly Sorokun has resigned as pastor of the Ukrainian congregation. Ask the Lord to raise up a pastor for this small body of believers. Pray those who are members will continue to hold fast to their faith even with the uncertainty in their church.
Thursday, May 31st Thank you for your prayers for The Book Club as they watched the first half of "Courageous" last week. We will watch the rest of the movie tonight, then discuss from the Scriptures how God works through tragedy and suffering in our lives to accomplish His purposes. Pray we would have wisdom to know the Lord's plan for this group in the future, even as we continue to meet tonight, and perhaps next week.
Friday, June 1st Preparations continue in Ukraine for the Euro 2012 football (soccer) tournament that will begin in early June. Games will be played in 4 cities in Ukraine, including Kharkov and Donetsk. Pray for churches and believers as they gather to organize outreaches in each of these cities. Petition the Lord to pour out His Spirit into the hearts and minds of multitudes.
Saturday, June 2nd Pray for Amanda and I as we continue to visit churches throughout the Kharkov region, seeking to know where He would have us to work in the future. Petition the Lord to raise up teams from the states with a desire to come alongside us in 2013 to encourage our Ukrainian brothers and sisters through helping them reach out to their communities.
May you find your hearts ignited with a passion and purpose to bring glory to God through all you say and do! Thank you for your prayers for Team Kharkov, and for the people of the Kharkov region of Ukraine!
IMPACTing the Kharkov region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!
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