If you cannot view the slideshow through your email of our weekly prayer requests, you can view it at this link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/37981119@N06/sets/72157629892643152/
May your Sabbath day be blessed! As always, thanks for your prayers!
Team Kharkov
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Team Kharkov Requests May 27th-June 2nd
"This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." (Matthew 6:9-13)
Created with flickr slideshow.
When the volunteer construction/medical team arrived 2 weeks ago, my heart and mind were filled with the phrase "Your kingdom come....." Others on the team had been sensing the same desire, and our hearts united in praying for that throughout the week.
The work on the church building in Zmeeov arose from a vision planted in the heart of Pastor Yuri that he shared with Team Kharkov in 2010, shortly after buying a building that had been gutted by an electrical fire. We "toured" the property and the building with a volunteer team from Missouri in August, 2010.
Pastor Yuri, his wife Olga, and their children |
Last May (2011) another volunteer team (from Mississippi) traveled to Zmeeov for 2 days to reach out to the community around the church building through medical outreach. On that trip, some of the team members were burdened with the need to come alongside Pastor Yuri to help in transforming the burned out building into a place where people could gather together to worship. From the moment they returned to their churches in the states, they began prayerfully planning for another, larger team to come in 2012 to not only do medical outreach, but to provide a construction team to work for the week in getting the sanctuary of the church prepared for services.
The slide show provided is long (86 photos) but it shows this building from the first time we saw it (in 2010) through the work of the construction team this month. I pray you will have the opportunity to view the photos, and as you do, to praise the One who moved in the hearts of His people 5000 miles away to pour themselves into this labor of love! Please continue to pray that His kingdom will come - not only to the small city of Zmeeov, but throughout the Kharkov region of Ukraine, and to the "uttermost" places of this world!
Sunday, May 27th Pray for Amanda and friends from "XTZ" church as they travel back from Kiev today following the seminary graduation ceremony for Vitaly Maslanyka. Ask the Lord to bless their time of fellowship with one another, particularly with Deena - Pastor Vitaly's daughter who has been drawn away from serving Christ.
Monday, May 28th Americans will celebrate Memorial Day today, remembering those who served and even sacrificed their lives for our country, and for our freedom. Pray for the hearts of the children of God to be reminded of the ultimate sacrifice of His Son - Jesus Christ - that we might experience true spiritual freedom, and eternal life!
Tuesday, May 29th Pray for opportunities this week to visit with some of our international students before they return to their homelands for the summer. Intercede for each one who will travel over very long distances to get home to their families. Pray the summer months will give them a time of refreshing and renewal.
Wednesday, May 30th Please continue to pray for the "Breaking Free" group meeting each Wednesday evening. The women who attend are from New Hope Baptist church, where Pastor Vitaly Sorokun has resigned as pastor of the Ukrainian congregation. Ask the Lord to raise up a pastor for this small body of believers. Pray those who are members will continue to hold fast to their faith even with the uncertainty in their church.
Thursday, May 31st Thank you for your prayers for The Book Club as they watched the first half of "Courageous" last week. We will watch the rest of the movie tonight, then discuss from the Scriptures how God works through tragedy and suffering in our lives to accomplish His purposes. Pray we would have wisdom to know the Lord's plan for this group in the future, even as we continue to meet tonight, and perhaps next week.
Friday, June 1st Preparations continue in Ukraine for the Euro 2012 football (soccer) tournament that will begin in early June. Games will be played in 4 cities in Ukraine, including Kharkov and Donetsk. Pray for churches and believers as they gather to organize outreaches in each of these cities. Petition the Lord to pour out His Spirit into the hearts and minds of multitudes.
Saturday, June 2nd Pray for Amanda and I as we continue to visit churches throughout the Kharkov region, seeking to know where He would have us to work in the future. Petition the Lord to raise up teams from the states with a desire to come alongside us in 2013 to encourage our Ukrainian brothers and sisters through helping them reach out to their communities.
May you find your hearts ignited with a passion and purpose to bring glory to God through all you say and do! Thank you for your prayers for Team Kharkov, and for the people of the Kharkov region of Ukraine!
IMPACTing the Kharkov region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Team Kharkov Requests May 20th-26th
"Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." (James 1:4) How desperate am I to see the lives of the people of the Kharkov region of Ukraine impacted and changed by the power of the Holy Spirit? Am I willing to persevere in prayer until the people of God in this area of Ukraine are "mature and complete, not lacking anything" necessary to reach their families, their neighbors, and their communities with the love of Christ?
George Müller was a man who chose to persevere in prayer, and to wait patiently for the Father to answer. Before his death at the age of 93, he said: “It is not enough to begin to pray, nor to pray aright; nor is it enough to continue for a time to pray; but we must patiently, believingly continue in prayer, until we obtain an answer; and further, we have not only to continue in prayer unto the end, but we have also to believe that God does hear us and will answer our prayers. Most frequently, we fail in not continuing in prayer until the blessing is obtained, and in not expecting the blessing."
Many of those who came to faith in Christ through the outreach of the Mississippi volunteer team had been confronted by the gospel through family, friends, and/or volunteers in the past. Most had lifted before the Throne of Grace persistently by Ukrainian believers, by the Mississippi volunteers, and by you in the days, weeks, and even months before this outreach.
Many in the photos in this slideshow are those who entered into a personal, intimate relationship with Christ. Please continue to persevere in prayer for us, for those who have begun a new life in Christ, and for those who have yet to say "yes" to the pleading of the Holy Spirit in their hearts.
Sunday, May 20th Amanda and I will travel back to Balaklaya this morning (7:00 a.m. Ukraine time - 11:00 p.m. Central U.S.) for their morning worship, and to deliver a Bible to Natasha. She is a deaf believer who comes to the church even though they have no interpreter for the services. Pray the Lord would continue to open our hearts and minds to His plans for future partnership with believers in this church.
Monday, May 21st Vika is a young woman for whom you have prayed often over the past months as she and I have met to read the Bible together. We just learned this past week that her grandmother, with whom she lives, passed away recently. Pray the Lord would pour out His love into Vika's heart and mind as she goes through this difficult time.
Tuesday, May 22nd Many of our international students are finishing up their exams and preparing to return to their home countries for the summer. Pray for opportunities to meet and pray with many of them before they depart. Intercede for those who are returning home to continue to seek hard after the Lord, and follow in His ways.
Wednesday, May 23rd The Holy Spirit continues to work in the hearts of Ukrainian women through the "Breaking Free" study each Wednesday evening. Ask the Lord to continue to lead each of the women participating into freedom in and through Christ. Pray for greater understanding of the Scriptures and of the Father's love that will compel each of us to share that love with others.
Thursday, May 24th The Book Club will conclude their group meetings over the next two Thursday evenings by watching and discussion the film "Courageous." Pray for the Lord to use this film to reveal more of the Truth of the Gospel, and how living by that Truth can transform our lives. Ask the Lord to grant each participant understanding of not only the words spoken by the actors, but the foundation established through the Word for the family.
Friday, May 25th Pastor Vitaly Maslynko ("XTZ" Church) will graduate this weekend from seminary in Irpin (outside of Kiev). Pray for Amanda and others from the "XTZ" church as they travel to Irpin this weekend to share in this occasion. Intercede for safety on the journey, and times of sweet fellowship for the body of Christ as they gather to celebrate together.
Saturday, May 26th Pray for Amanda and I as we travel to various churches throughout the Kharkov region in the months ahead to prayerfully consider future ministry opportunities. We will be talking with pastors and church leaders to seek to know how He might desire to utilize volunteer teams in the coming year to strengthen, encourage, and grow the body of Christ. Please join us in praying how the Lord might choose to use you and your church to fulfill these needs in the Kharkov region of Ukraine!
We would like to update our prayer partner list in the weeks ahead. We greatly value your faithfulness through prayer. However, if for any reason you prefer not to receive our weekly updates/requests, please send an email to us with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!
George Müller was a man who chose to persevere in prayer, and to wait patiently for the Father to answer. Before his death at the age of 93, he said: “It is not enough to begin to pray, nor to pray aright; nor is it enough to continue for a time to pray; but we must patiently, believingly continue in prayer, until we obtain an answer; and further, we have not only to continue in prayer unto the end, but we have also to believe that God does hear us and will answer our prayers. Most frequently, we fail in not continuing in prayer until the blessing is obtained, and in not expecting the blessing."
Many of those who came to faith in Christ through the outreach of the Mississippi volunteer team had been confronted by the gospel through family, friends, and/or volunteers in the past. Most had lifted before the Throne of Grace persistently by Ukrainian believers, by the Mississippi volunteers, and by you in the days, weeks, and even months before this outreach.
Many in the photos in this slideshow are those who entered into a personal, intimate relationship with Christ. Please continue to persevere in prayer for us, for those who have begun a new life in Christ, and for those who have yet to say "yes" to the pleading of the Holy Spirit in their hearts.
Sunday, May 20th Amanda and I will travel back to Balaklaya this morning (7:00 a.m. Ukraine time - 11:00 p.m. Central U.S.) for their morning worship, and to deliver a Bible to Natasha. She is a deaf believer who comes to the church even though they have no interpreter for the services. Pray the Lord would continue to open our hearts and minds to His plans for future partnership with believers in this church.
Monday, May 21st Vika is a young woman for whom you have prayed often over the past months as she and I have met to read the Bible together. We just learned this past week that her grandmother, with whom she lives, passed away recently. Pray the Lord would pour out His love into Vika's heart and mind as she goes through this difficult time.
Tuesday, May 22nd Many of our international students are finishing up their exams and preparing to return to their home countries for the summer. Pray for opportunities to meet and pray with many of them before they depart. Intercede for those who are returning home to continue to seek hard after the Lord, and follow in His ways.
Wednesday, May 23rd The Holy Spirit continues to work in the hearts of Ukrainian women through the "Breaking Free" study each Wednesday evening. Ask the Lord to continue to lead each of the women participating into freedom in and through Christ. Pray for greater understanding of the Scriptures and of the Father's love that will compel each of us to share that love with others.
The Book Club studying hard..... |
Friday, May 25th Pastor Vitaly Maslynko ("XTZ" Church) will graduate this weekend from seminary in Irpin (outside of Kiev). Pray for Amanda and others from the "XTZ" church as they travel to Irpin this weekend to share in this occasion. Intercede for safety on the journey, and times of sweet fellowship for the body of Christ as they gather to celebrate together.
Saturday, May 26th Pray for Amanda and I as we travel to various churches throughout the Kharkov region in the months ahead to prayerfully consider future ministry opportunities. We will be talking with pastors and church leaders to seek to know how He might desire to utilize volunteer teams in the coming year to strengthen, encourage, and grow the body of Christ. Please join us in praying how the Lord might choose to use you and your church to fulfill these needs in the Kharkov region of Ukraine!
We would like to update our prayer partner list in the weeks ahead. We greatly value your faithfulness through prayer. However, if for any reason you prefer not to receive our weekly updates/requests, please send an email to us with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Team Kharkov Praise May 13th-19th
"With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ." (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12).
I would love to be able to put into words how the Father answered our prayers for the labor of love by the Mississippi team in Zmeeov, Balaklaya, and Christian Life Church (Kharkov) this past week. Amanda and I are still processing all the answers to prayer that unfolded throughout the week, the encouragement that was granted to our Ukrainian brothers and sisters through this team, and how the Father received glory for all He did!
The team left Kharkov at 10:55 p.m. Friday night traveling by train to Kiev where they spent the morning today. As I write this, the team is in Amsterdam, preparing for their flight to the states tomorrow (Sunday) morning.
Throughout the week, the medical team saw 338 people in Zmeeov, Balaklaya, and Christian Life Church. There were 19 professions of faith during the week....19 new brothers and sisters born again into the Kingdom of God.
The gentleman in this picture has come for 3 years to the medical outreach in Balaklaya. For the first 2 years, as the team shared the love of Christ and the plan of salvation with him, he said "no." But the Holy Spirit has been working in his heart through your prayers, and the church in Balaklaya to continue "plowing, planting, and watering" the seed of the Gospel. This year he said "yes," coming before the Throne of Grace in repentance and receiving eternal life through Christ!
The construction team worked diligently throughout the week and accomplished more than we could ask or imagine in the "House of Prayer" in Zmeeov. Below are pictures that give an example of the "before" and "after" in the church. Pastor Yuri, his wife Olga and their children were overwhelmed, encouraged, and blessed by all these men accomplished.
We give all glory, honor and praise to the Lord for what we witnessed this week! Thank you for your commitment and faithfulness to pray for Team Kharkov, our Ukrainian and American partners, and the people of the Kharkov region of Ukraine. God is answering in ways that bring joy and encouragement to our hearts, and glory to Him alone!
Please join us this week in praising Him for all He has done, is doing, and will do in the future in all of these churches. Pray for Amanda and I as we visit in the coming weeks with Balaklaya and other churches in the Kharkov region, seeking to know where He is working, and how we might join in that work in the future. We look forward to sharing more pictures from this week, and more of the testimonies of how He moved by the power of His Spirit!
IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!
I would love to be able to put into words how the Father answered our prayers for the labor of love by the Mississippi team in Zmeeov, Balaklaya, and Christian Life Church (Kharkov) this past week. Amanda and I are still processing all the answers to prayer that unfolded throughout the week, the encouragement that was granted to our Ukrainian brothers and sisters through this team, and how the Father received glory for all He did!
The team left Kharkov at 10:55 p.m. Friday night traveling by train to Kiev where they spent the morning today. As I write this, the team is in Amsterdam, preparing for their flight to the states tomorrow (Sunday) morning.
Throughout the week, the medical team saw 338 people in Zmeeov, Balaklaya, and Christian Life Church. There were 19 professions of faith during the week....19 new brothers and sisters born again into the Kingdom of God.
The gentleman in this picture has come for 3 years to the medical outreach in Balaklaya. For the first 2 years, as the team shared the love of Christ and the plan of salvation with him, he said "no." But the Holy Spirit has been working in his heart through your prayers, and the church in Balaklaya to continue "plowing, planting, and watering" the seed of the Gospel. This year he said "yes," coming before the Throne of Grace in repentance and receiving eternal life through Christ!
The construction team worked diligently throughout the week and accomplished more than we could ask or imagine in the "House of Prayer" in Zmeeov. Below are pictures that give an example of the "before" and "after" in the church. Pastor Yuri, his wife Olga and their children were overwhelmed, encouraged, and blessed by all these men accomplished.
House of Prayer, Zmeeov, March 2012 |
House of Prayer, Zmeeov, May 2012 |
Please join us this week in praising Him for all He has done, is doing, and will do in the future in all of these churches. Pray for Amanda and I as we visit in the coming weeks with Balaklaya and other churches in the Kharkov region, seeking to know where He is working, and how we might join in that work in the future. We look forward to sharing more pictures from this week, and more of the testimonies of how He moved by the power of His Spirit!
IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Team Kharkov Requests May 6th-12th
"While I was speaking and praying, confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and making my request to the LORD my God for his holy hill - while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice. He instructed me and said to me, 'Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding. As soon as you began to pray, an answer was given, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed" (Daniel 9:20-23a).
How fervent am I in my prayers? Am I ready to pray with such passion and conviction that God will answer with "exceedingly, abundantly more than I can ask or imagine," just as He did when Daniel humbled himself before Him?
Our desire as we go before the throne of grace this week is to pray as Jesus taught us: "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." ((Mth. 6:10) As we intercede for the labor of love through the hands of Mississippi volunteers and Ukrainian partners, we do pray for the hearts of many to be drawn into a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus! Yet the ultimate purpose is to bring glory to our Father as we ask for His kingdom to come - and His will be done throughout every day this week.
Praise to Him for getting 20 volunteers across the ocean with 40 large pieces of luggage and 20 carry-on's arriving with them! They made it through customs in Kiev with absolutely no problem and are now waiting to board the overnight train for their last leg of the journey to Kharkov. Thank you for joining with us each day as we make our requests to the Lord our God for His holy hill - and His Kingdom to come to the cities of Zmeeov, Balaklaya, and Kharkov! You can see where these cities are located through our Kharkov Oblast Prayer Points map at http://g.co/maps/zjxyy.
Sunday, May 6th - The Mississippi team will worship together with believers in Zmeeov this morning, followed by a 1/2 day of medical outreach. The construction crew will begin to work as well, and will work each day this week at Zmeeov. Pray the Holy Spirit would move with power throughout this small city in the days to come. Pray for protection for the construction crew as they labor putting up wall board in the new sanctuary of this small church.
Monday, May 7th Today will be a full day of medical outreach and construction in Zmeeov for volunteers from Longview Heights Baptist Church - Olive Branch, MS, FBC Grenada, and FBC Itta Bena. Pray we would see a harvest of righteousness spring forth in the lives of many throughout this day.
Tuesday, May 8th The medical team moves on to the city of Balaklaya - about 45 minutes south of the hotel where we are staying this week. Pray for safe travel on the roads, as well as for an outpouring of the Spirit upon believers in the church at Balaklaya. Ask the Lord to cause each person who comes to receive physical healing to enter into a relationship with Jehovah Rapha, our Healer.
Wednesday, May 9th Team Kharkov is part of the Black Sea Orthodox Cluster, which is made up of 6 countries of the former Soviet Union - Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine. Today, which is Victory Day in most of the former Soviet Union, has been designated at the BSO Cluster Day of Prayer for Victory. You can join us in praying for specific areas of our cluster through the Black Sea Orthodox Cluster Map at http://g.co/maps/geqjw. Just click on a "pin" to view the prayer requests.
Thursday, May 10th Today will be our last day of medical outreach in the city of Balaklaya. Pray we will see His Kingdom come in the lives of multitudes in this city. Pray for this small church as they follow up in the weeks to come with those who came to the clinic. Ask the Lord to grant them a passion for His glory that will change the city of Balaklaya for eternity.
Friday, May 11th The construction team has their last day of work in Zmeeov today, while the medical outreach team will be at Christian Life Church in Kharkov for a one day outreach. Intercede for this to be a day of breakthrough at CLC as they reach out to not-yet-believers through meeting their physical needs. Ask the Lord to draw people to Christ as Lord and Savior today. Pray for the volunteer team as they board a train at 10:30 p.m. Kharkov time for an overnight journey to Kiev.
Saturday, May 12th Praise the Lord with us for all He has done this week through the hands and hearts of His people. Pray the Holy Spirit would continue to work in the lives of believers and not-yet-believers in the days and weeks to come. Ask the Lord to grant the volunteer team a time of refreshment, renewal, and relaxation as they spend tonight in Amsterdam before beginning their final leg of the journey tomorrow to Mississippi.
Daily updates for the team (if possible) will be posted on our Team Kharkov facebook page throughout this week. We can hardly wait to share with you how the Father answers our prayers for the people of the Kharkov region of Ukraine, and the team of volunteers who have invested their finances, their hearts, and their lives in obedience to His call!
IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!
How fervent am I in my prayers? Am I ready to pray with such passion and conviction that God will answer with "exceedingly, abundantly more than I can ask or imagine," just as He did when Daniel humbled himself before Him?
Our desire as we go before the throne of grace this week is to pray as Jesus taught us: "Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." ((Mth. 6:10) As we intercede for the labor of love through the hands of Mississippi volunteers and Ukrainian partners, we do pray for the hearts of many to be drawn into a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus! Yet the ultimate purpose is to bring glory to our Father as we ask for His kingdom to come - and His will be done throughout every day this week.
Praise to Him for getting 20 volunteers across the ocean with 40 large pieces of luggage and 20 carry-on's arriving with them! They made it through customs in Kiev with absolutely no problem and are now waiting to board the overnight train for their last leg of the journey to Kharkov. Thank you for joining with us each day as we make our requests to the Lord our God for His holy hill - and His Kingdom to come to the cities of Zmeeov, Balaklaya, and Kharkov! You can see where these cities are located through our Kharkov Oblast Prayer Points map at http://g.co/maps/zjxyy.
The House Of Prayer in Zmeeov |
Monday, May 7th Today will be a full day of medical outreach and construction in Zmeeov for volunteers from Longview Heights Baptist Church - Olive Branch, MS, FBC Grenada, and FBC Itta Bena. Pray we would see a harvest of righteousness spring forth in the lives of many throughout this day.
One wall of the "sanctuary" at the House of Prayer in Zmeeov |
Wednesday, May 9th Team Kharkov is part of the Black Sea Orthodox Cluster, which is made up of 6 countries of the former Soviet Union - Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine. Today, which is Victory Day in most of the former Soviet Union, has been designated at the BSO Cluster Day of Prayer for Victory. You can join us in praying for specific areas of our cluster through the Black Sea Orthodox Cluster Map at http://g.co/maps/geqjw. Just click on a "pin" to view the prayer requests.
Thursday, May 10th Today will be our last day of medical outreach in the city of Balaklaya. Pray we will see His Kingdom come in the lives of multitudes in this city. Pray for this small church as they follow up in the weeks to come with those who came to the clinic. Ask the Lord to grant them a passion for His glory that will change the city of Balaklaya for eternity.
Friday, May 11th The construction team has their last day of work in Zmeeov today, while the medical outreach team will be at Christian Life Church in Kharkov for a one day outreach. Intercede for this to be a day of breakthrough at CLC as they reach out to not-yet-believers through meeting their physical needs. Ask the Lord to draw people to Christ as Lord and Savior today. Pray for the volunteer team as they board a train at 10:30 p.m. Kharkov time for an overnight journey to Kiev.
Saturday, May 12th Praise the Lord with us for all He has done this week through the hands and hearts of His people. Pray the Holy Spirit would continue to work in the lives of believers and not-yet-believers in the days and weeks to come. Ask the Lord to grant the volunteer team a time of refreshment, renewal, and relaxation as they spend tonight in Amsterdam before beginning their final leg of the journey tomorrow to Mississippi.
Daily updates for the team (if possible) will be posted on our Team Kharkov facebook page throughout this week. We can hardly wait to share with you how the Father answers our prayers for the people of the Kharkov region of Ukraine, and the team of volunteers who have invested their finances, their hearts, and their lives in obedience to His call!
IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!
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