Saturday, November 5, 2011

Team Kharkov Requests November 6th-12th

"The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; he frustrates the plans of the peoples.  The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations."  (Psalm 33:10-11)

This morning, Amanda and I gathered together with over 100 Ukrainian women to unite our hearts together for the world-wide day of prayer.  Nadia Morokovetz, the women's ministry leader for Baptist Union churches in the Kharkov oblast, led our time of prayer for the nations by asking 6 or 7 women to pray for the needs of different regions of the world.  As I read the Scripture from Psalm 33, I was reminded of the futility of the nations to seek their own solutions to all the problems facing them, and the power that is ours as we lift our hearts in prayer to the One who has His perfect plans.  Pray we will continually seek His plans, the "plans of his heart" for our own individual lives, and for the future generations of the Kharkov region of Ukraine.
Sunday, November 6th  Pray for Amanda as she meets after church today with the youth of Christian Life Church.  Intercede for the Lord to lay His plans across the hearts and minds of the youth and this church as they seek to reach out to the youth in their community with the love of Christ.  

Monday, November 7th  Pray for Amanda and I as we seek to coordinate visits in churches outside the city where volunteer teams will be working in 2012, and look for new opportunities to encourage and work alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Petition the Lord to open our eyes to those opportunities, and to make clear His plans.  

Tuesday, November 8th  Amanda and her friend Natasha continue to study Experiencing God together each Tuesday.  We give Him praise for the opportunities Natasha has had on Thursday evenings to talk with Marina, a young woman for whom you have prayed who is recovering from lymphoma.  Both come to The Book Club on Thursday evenings, and Marina has been asking questions, and expressing a desire to believe.  Pray the Lord would grant her the faith to trust Him as Lord and Savior.  Ask Him to continue to draw her deeper into a personal, eternal relationship with Jesus.

Wednesday, November 9th  Pray the Lord would draw 5 - 10 International women students from New Hope Church into the study of "Breaking Free" that will be meeting 2 times a month on Wednesday evenings.  Ask the Father to break our hearts over the things in our lives that break His heart, and allow Him to bring the healing and restoration He desires.  

Thursday, November 10th  We continue with the study of Romans 9 tonight, and the Father continues to bring new students into The Book Club.  Ask Him to fill this place with His Spirit in such a way that those who enter will be overwhelmed with His love, and His holiness.  Pray we would be faithful to share the truth of the gospel with His words, and not our own.

Friday, November 11th  Thank you for your prayers for Amanda and I, along with some of our colleagues, as we met last week in Kiev.  The Father blessed our time of getting out onto the streets and sidewalks of Kiev to initiate conversations with Ukrainians.  Pray for each of us to continue to be intentional each time we walk out the door of our homes, looking for those we will encounter during the day that He is drawing to Himself.  Ask Him to enable us to speak clearly in Russian the words He would use to begin new relationships in the marketplace of our lives.

Saturday, November 12th  Membership in Baptist churches, as well as the number of Baptist churches in Ukraine is declining.  Intercede for church leaders and believers throughout the nation as they seek His face, and His plan to give each Ukrainian the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.  Pray for hearts willing to be radically obedient to His plans, and His will.

Prayer is the foundation for all the Father desires to do in and through our lives.  May we, like the psalmists, cry out to the Father from hearts that are filled with a passion to see His Name proclaimed throughout the nations.

Together, with you, we are  IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

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