Saturday, November 12, 2011

Team Kharkov Requests November 13th-19th

"Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished.  And they recognized that they had been with Jesus."  (Acts 4:13)

Almost every day I am confronted with my inability to speak fluently in the Russian language.  It is especially frustrating when I encounter an opportunity to take a conversation to a more spiritual level.  Yet I know each time an opportunity presents itself, the Father is at work.  I only have to go forward with a boldness enabled by the the Holy Spirit, trusting Him to take my "uneducated, common" Russian to speak whatever He desires into the life of that person.  They don't need to see me, nor hear my words, as much as they need to recognize that I have a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus.  May each of us pray the Holy Spirit would grant eyes open to see those He is causing to intersect our path each day, hearts filled with a boldness to proclaim the love of Christ through our words and actions, and the "aroma of Christ" to permeate even the most hardened heart with Truth.

Sunday, November 13th  Today New Hope Russian congregation will meet for the last time in the building in the Saltavka region of Kharkov.  Pray for this body of believers as they seek the Lord's will and His plan for them corporately and individually.  Ask the Lord to enable each one to keep their eyes and their hearts focused on Him, trusting Him to fulfill His promise to "cause all things to work together for good to those who love God...." (Romans 8:28 NASB).

Monday, November 14th Pray for me (Linda) as I share the meaning of American Thanksgiving with students in two English classes led by Nadia Morokovetz this evening.  Ask the Lord to use this as an opportunity to open doors and hearts for spiritual conversations.

Tuesday, November 15th  We praise the Lord for how He is working in the lives of Natasha and Amanda as they study "Experiencing God" together.  Pray He will continue to reveal Himself and His will for each of them as they come near the end of this study.

Wednesday, November 16th  Two years ago, believers in the town of Zmeeov bought a building that had been burned out from an electrical fire with a vision for reconstructing the building for their church.  We praise Him for the provision of finances to buy the materials to put a roof on the building.  Pray for pastor Yuri Poshtak and the men in the church as they labor together to put the roof on the building before winter weather sets in.  Ask the Lord to allow them to complete the work safely.  Pray those who live around the building will be impacted by the labor of love these men invest in their church, and drawn into fellowship with this body of believers, and with the Lord Jesus.

Thursday, November 17th  The Father continues to work through the power of His Word in Romans as we discuss it in The Book Club each Thursday in the lives of each one of us.  This week, please petition the Father to speak His Truth into the hearts and minds of Ludmila, Marina, Tatiana, Sergei, Sasha, Vika, Zhenya, Vlad, Yuri, Natasha, Julia, Ira, and all who He brings into our fellowship.

Friday, November 18th  The day this is being written (November 12th), Amanda shared as she was walking her dog Bella this morning, her heart was prepared to meet and/or talk with people the Lord might bring across her path.  Tanya, a young office manager who lives in the same area and has a dog as well, and Amanda struck up a conversation.  She speaks perfect English, and had seen Amanda before in the area.  Pray for opportunities in the future continue talking, leading to sharing the Good News of Christ.

Saturday, November 19th  Pray for Amanda and I as we host a "Girls Night Out" this afternoon/evening for New Hope International students.  Ask the Lord to draw many of these young women to this time of fellowship, developing new friendships, and discussing future plans.  Pray He will work in all of our hearts to fan into flame a passion to go deeper in our relationship with Him through our fellowship with one another and the study of His Word.

We look forward to sharing with you the giving of thanks next week for how He answers our prayers and petitions!

IMPACTing the Kharkov region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

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