Friday, July 22, 2011

Team Kharkov Requests July 24th-30th

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." (Col. 2:6-7)

I've spent much of the last week digging deeper into what it means to be "rooted and built up" in Jesus in preparation for an upcoming retreat with Ukrainian sisters. I realize more than ever that I need to know Christ - the "mystery of God" (Col. 2:3) - if I would have my roots go deeper and deeper into Him. He is causing me, through the study of His Word to the Colossians, to desire, long for, and seek Him first, so that everything else in my life will be a reflection of Christ. May that be the cry of each of our hearts throughout the days ahead.

This will be a very short prayer letter, because I am on the road and limited in internet availability. Please join us in praying for the following needs this coming week:

- Pray for Wendy, Keith, and Linda as they travel back to Kharkov on Sunday and for Ryan and Amanda as they "hold down the fort" in Kharkov in our absence.

- Pray for Linda and Amanda as they continue to work on the material for the women's retreat the end of August. Ask the Lord to fill each of them with exactly what He would desire all of us - Amanda, Linda, and our Ukrainian sisters - to hear from His heart. Intercede for the Lord to enable both to complete our writing this week so materials can be sent to translators in a timely fashion.

- Pray for Keith, Wendy, and Ryan as they continue to say "good-byes" to friends in the Kharkov region and prepare for their move. Ask the Lord to provide them with His place to live in their new city. Pray for times of sweet fellowship in their last weeks in Kharkov.

- We praise Him for raising up folks with a desire to bring volunteer teams to Kharkov in the future - some for the very first time. Pray for Amanda and Linda as they seek to know His will and His plans for each team. Ask the Lord to continue to send those whom He has chosen to share His love with Ukrainians in the Kharkov oblast of Ukraine.

- Ask the Lord to raise up Ukrainian believers in this region with a passion and a vision for church planting with whom we can work. Pray for open doors in small cities throughout the Kharkov region, as well as the city of Kharkov itself to share the gospel with those who have never heard.

Thank you for your partnership in prayer! We continue to expect the mountains to move, and the way made straight for His glory, honor and praise!

IMPACTing the Kharkov region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

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