"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed...." (Proverbs 16:3 NIV) Success! It's something most, if not all of us desire in some form or fashion. Often, as I labor alongside my teammates, volunteers, and Ukrainian partners in the "hard places" of Eastern Ukraine, the Holy Spirit reminds me that the results and success of our plans is determined first and foremost by my (and our) commitment to Him. This morning, that success was defined ever further in my heart as I read in Isaiah. "Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts." (Isaiah 26:8)
Throughout this past week, 6 Alabama believers committed themselves to the Lord each day through sharing the love of Jesus with children and laboring in construction at Spring of Life Baptist Church in Rogon every morning (shown on the right above), and again every afternoon sharing that same love with children on the grass beside the shell of a concrete building in the small village of Biskvitna (on the left above). Each of the 50 plus children experienced His love, and His name was made known through Word and deed every day. Now we wait expectantly for Him to reveal the extent of that "success" through lives changed eternally by the power of His love.
Sunday, July 17th Give praise for the 10 children who answered Pastor Alexei's invitation to commit their lives to Jesus the last day of VBS in Rogon (shown in the inner circle in the picture below.) Pray for Pastor Alexei, his wife Tonya, and other workers at Spring of Life Church as they visit the parents in the homes of each of the children who attended VBS. Ask the Lord to draw parents and children alike into fellowship with Him through the body of Christ in Rogon.
Monday, July 18th Please pray for Vika, a young woman from The Book Club, who wants to resume Bible study with Linda after several months away. Ask the Lord to cause His Word to minister to Vika's heart. Petition the Lord to work by the power of the Holy Spirit to enable Vika to begin to grasp how greatly she is loved by Christ.
Tuesday, July 19th Amanda continues to meet with Natasha on Tuesday evenings to go through "Experiencing God" in Russian. Pray their time of study and fellowship will be an encouragement to both. Ask the Lord to enable Amanda to speak His Word clearly into Natasha's life, and to grant Natasha a heart willing to listen and obey.
Wednesday, July 20th Thank you for joining us in asking the Lord to restore the health of Wendy's mom. Join us in praising Him for His answer. After 11 days in the hospital in Missouri, she is now home and day by day her strength and health are improving. Please continue to pray for her and for Wendy's family in Missouri who are helping her mom Gloria until she returns to full strength. Pray the doctors will have wisdom as they adjust her medication levels and continue to treat an on-going kidney problem.
Thursday, July 21st We (Amanda and Linda) continue to seek the Lord's will and way for future ministry in the Kharkov region of Ukraine for us as Team Kharkov as well as for future volunteer teams. Pray He will make His desire known to us, that we might be in the center of His will individually and corporately.
Friday, July 22nd Pray for the Woffords and Linda as they travel to Kiev today to attend the wedding of Sergei and Marina Dotsko's son Alosha in another city. Pray for safety on the roads and times of sweet fellowship throughout the next couple of days with one another and with our Ukrainian friends during this time of celebration.
Saturday, July 23rd Please continue to pray for Amanda and Linda as they prepare their materials for a retreat in Donetsk region in late August. Pray for clarity of heart and mind as we seek to encourage and strengthen our sisters in Christ through opening the Word in Colossians. Ask the Lord to enable them to complete this part of the preparation in a timely manner so it can be translated to Russian for the conference.
IMPACTing the Kharkov region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!
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