Sunday, July 8, 2012

Team Kharkov Requests July 8th-14th

"For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose" (Phil. 2:13).
Pastor Rustan of Merifa praying for new believers
Thank you for joining us through your prayers last Sunday as we traveled to attend services at a Roma (Gypsy) church in the city of Merifa.  The day before, they baptized 3 new believers, and had a time of praying a blessing over them during this service.  Following the prayer, the new church members were given the Lord's Supper, with the rest of the church participating after they were served.  

After the service, we had a time of fellowship and visited with the pastor and his wife, Malina.  The church has been meeting for 10 years, and is one of only a few Roma churches in the country.   Our journey was for the purpose of discovering new places we might be able to work in the future to encourage and strengthen believers.  Please continue to pray for the Father to work in us to "will and to act according to his good purpose."

Yesterday (Saturday, July 7th) we had our annual July 4th picnic - this year inviting not only our English group, but also New Hope International and New Hope Ukrainian churches.  Amanda's fiance Oleg prepared Armenian shaslik (pork "chops" that are marinated overnight in onions and seasoning, then grilled like a shish-k-bob).  

Over 40 people attended, enjoying an afternoon of eating, playing softball, and a relaxing time of fellowship.  Pastor Vitaly shared a short devotional before we sat down to eat, casting the seed of the gospel into the lives of the not-yet-believers who came.  We hope to have another picnic in August or September to bring these 3 groups together again.  

(You can view a slideshow and additional pictures from the picnic at this link:

Thank you for your prayers for the sports outreach organized and led by the youth at Living Hope Baptist church.  Pastor Sergei Datsko said they had around 600 people attend the final match and evangelical services last Sunday.  The authorities were amazed with how well everything went, and how clean the park was after the events.  They have invited the church to provide activities in the park in the future - a park located very close to their new church.

Pastor Sergei also shared that they have a great desire to start a small rehabilitation center for drug/alcohol addiction, but are waiting for the man called out by the Father to direct and lead this ministry.  Petition the Father to work on the hearts and minds of those he has chosen to begin this ministry through Living Hope.  

We are blessed to have a volunteer construction team coming from Green Valley Baptist Church (Birmingham, Al) to work alongside believers at Living Hope Church (.  Ask the Lord to grant them "uneventful" flights and entrance into Ukraine as they leave the states on Friday, and arrive in Kharkov Saturday afternoon (Kharkov time).  Intercede for the members of Living Hope as they prepare for a week of construction work on their church and grounds.  

Pastor Vitaly Sorokun (New Hope Church) shared today that they only have 2 days to prepare the official legal documents to send to the Supreme Court of Ukraine to seek a reversal of the decision of the Kharkov courts.  He asks that you would pray for Pastor Andre (Grace) and himself to have wisdom to know whether or not this is the Lord's plan.  As they have studied the ruling of the court further, they now know that the ownership of the building is not in question - it is still considered as "owned" by the church.  However, the cost of securing the proper documents for the church (official documents that were not gotten years ago) is so great that they may not be able to pursue them.  Thank you for continuing to pray for the Lord to work in the hearts and minds of those in authority in Kharkov and beyond, as well as in His people as they discover His plan for the church.

There is so much more the Lord is doing, and for which we need to pray, but we praise Him that He already knows our needs and His plans for us!  We look forward to sharing with you how He answers in the days to come.

IMPACTing the Kharkov region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

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