Saturday, June 9, 2012

Team Kharkov Requests June 10th-16th

"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth." (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

The past few months have seen many changes in the visa laws for Ukraine, leading to a lot of confusion and unanswered questions.  We are so very thankful for Pastor Vitaly Sorokun as he helps in wading through all the changes so that we know what we need to do.  While the new visa laws do not appear to restrict our work as m's any more than in the past, we learned Friday that more changes may be on the way.

Friday, one of our colleagues posted the link to an article on the Risu site (Religious Information Service of Ukraine) with the headline:  "Parliament Wants to make Significant Changes to Law on Freedom of Religion."  While the article really doesn't define what kind of "changes" may take place, we are reminded again how vital are our prayers for those who are making those laws.   (Here is the link should you want to read further:  

For the past week, I have walked daily around the offices that house our Minister of Culture (formerly "Minister of Religion") for the Kharkov region, and have not only prayed  for her relationship with Christ, but also offered thanksgiving to the Lord for putting her in that position.  Over the past 2 years, the relationships our Ukrainian pastors have with her have gotten better, and we praise Him for that favor!  As I read that article on Friday, the Lord quickened my heart even more about the necessity of praying for her, and for all those in authority.  Father, cause me to spend more time praying FOR those in authority to the One who put them there for His purposes than speaking against them, for You are able to turn the heart of the "king" (or President, or Prime Minister, or Congressman....etc.)!   

Sunday, June 10th  Tonight at Central Baptist Church in Kharkov, Amanda and Oleg Bondar will be "presented" to the church, signifying their engagement and commitment to marriage.  We praise the Father for the plans He has for them as a couple united under the bond of Christ.  Pray for both as they continue to seek His will and His plan.  Ask the Lord to grant them favor as they apply for a fiance visa to the U.S. for Oleg so they can be married in Amanda's hometown of Anchorage, Alaska.  

Monday, June 11th  Please continue to pray for Vika, a young woman now going through the "Breaking Free" study with me (Linda) each Monday.  Vika was recently baptized at the home of missionaries from another denomination, and is truly seeking to know Him on a deep, intimate level.  Ask the Lord to grant me wisdom in leading her through the process of allowing Him to set her free in Christ.

Tuesday, June 12th  Pray for Amanda and I as we meet today to finalize plans for the women's conference in Mariupol on June 23rd, a volunteer team from Alabama in July, and plan another women's conference/camp in September.  Intercede for us as we seek to accomplish His purpose in His way during each of these times.  Pray His Word would rise up within our hearts and minds, and that we would be made ready to be His instruments for His glory.

Created with flickr slideshow

Wednesday, June 13th  Euro 2012 will continue throughout the month of June, but tonight is the last match to be played in the city of Kharkov (some of the pictures from the square Fan Zone are in the slideshow at this link:    Petition the Lord to continue to work in the hearts and minds of multitudes as believers in other cities and in Kharkov continue to reach out to those who have come with seeking hearts.  Pray we would see a "harvest of righteousness" (2 Corinthians 9:10) in many lives in the days, weeks, and months to follow.
Thursday, June 14th  "The Book Club" is on hiatus for the summer, but we were blessed with a wonderful time of fellowship in our final meeting last week.  Oleg joined us and "preached" a message in Russian that led to discussion.  Pray the seeds planted for moving this group into a Russian/English Bible study in the future will take root.  Pray for opportunities to meet with many from this group in the summer months for fellowship and encouragement.

Friday, June 15th  Please continue to pray for the outreach this month in the Zalytina region of Kharkov through Living Hope Church.  Plans include ministry at a nearby park, with children's activities, music, and the presentation of the gospel.  Petition the Lord to draw many from this region of the city into fellowship with Him, and with this body of believers as they seek to be His Light in the darkness.

Saturday, June 16th  With Amanda's upcoming marriage come changes in "Team Kharkov" once again.  While Amanda and Oleg plan to remain in Kharkov, and be actively involved in ministry, I will be the only person with our company in the city.  Pray for me as I seek to network with pastors, churches, and other believers to plan for future work in the Kharkov Region.  

IMPACTing the Kharkov Region with the love of Christ!

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