Saturday, June 30, 2012

Team Kharkov Requests July 1st-7th

"And the LORD will be king over all the earth.  On that day the LORD will be one and his name one" (Zechariah 14:9 ESV)  What a promise......and our hope!  In the midst of the uncertainty of life in a world filled with multiple "gods," there will come a day when the LORD himself will reign over this earth.   Before that day, we have the privilege, the authority, and the command to "pray without ceasing" for the people of this world around us.  

Last week we shared the decision of the court in Kharkov that made the documents for the Grace and New Hope Church building invalid.  Thank you for joining with us in prayer for the church leaders (Pastor Andre of Grace and Pastor Vitaly of New Hope) as they seek the Lord's wisdom in continuing.  They have met with the "vice-mayor" of the city, and were given assurance that they would not be removed from the building.  They have begun the process of redoing their documents to meet the new requirements.  They will also seek to appeal the decision to the Supreme Court of Ukraine.  Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Kharkov who are seeking the face of the Lord first, so that they might do all things in accordance with his will.

Mariupol Holy Trinity Church
Thank you for your prayers for our trip to Mariupol last weekend.  We had about 50 women come for the conference on prayerwalking and spiritual warfare.  We praise our Lord for the safe journey, and the wonderful time of fellowship we experienced with our sisters in Christ and our colleague in Donetsk.
Amanda teaching on Praying God's Word
The young adults of Living Hope Church (Pastor Sergei Dotsko) have been conducting a football (soccer) and table tennis tournament, as well as evangelistic outreach at a local park since Wednesday.  The finals for the tournament will be held Sunday night.  Please pray the Lord will work in the hearts of many of the over 140 children and youth who have come each day, as well as their parents, to draw them into fellowship with Christ.  Ask the Lord to cause many to come to the services at Living Hope to hear the Word proclaimed.
Children/youth at Living Hope outreach
On Sunday evening, we will travel to a small Roma (gypsy) church in the city of Merefa about 20 miles outside the city of Kharkov.  Pray for our time of fellowship with the church leaders as we explore ways the Lord might have us come alongside this body of believers in the future to encourage, and reach out into their city with the love of Christ.

Intercede for us as we host a picnic next Saturday for folks in The Book Club english group, New Hope International and Ukrainian churches, and other friends in Christ.  We have encouraged each group to invite family and friends who are "not yet believers" for this time of fellowship and fun.  We'll be preparing the shashlik, while everyone else will bring the other picnic lunch items.  Pray for good weather for the day (last year we were rained out), and for hearts to be impacted with the love of Christ flowing through the lives of his church.

In the minds of most Ukrainians, Baptists are "lumped together" with Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and even other Protestant churches as "sects."  The roots for that belief go deep in this culture, and are only "uprooted" as we go out from the four walls of our churches and build relationships with not-yet-believers living around us.  Petition the Lord to grant me wisdom as I look for opportunities for volunteer teams to go out alongside our Ukrainian brothers and sisters to impact their communities through building relationships that will become eternal. 

July 6th-8th will be a Jehovah's Witness convention at the football stadium in the city of Kharkov.  They have inundated mailboxes in every building with fliers that invite people to come to hear "biblical truth."  Literally thousands of Ukrainians will attend these meetings, and many will be seeking Truth.  Pray the Spirit of Truth will open the eyes of those who attend, shining the Light of Christ to reveal the lies of the enemy.  Intercede for true believers in this region of the country to be compelled by the Spirit to speak Truth into the lives of their family and friends.

Ask always, thank you for joining with us in prayer for the people of the Kharkov region of Ukraine.  As you celebrate Independence Day on July 4th, may you be reminded of the billions throughout the world who have not yet heard of true freedom through Christ Jesus!

IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Team Kharkov Requests June 24th-30th

"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way" (1 Timothy 2:1, 2 ESV).

We have used this passage often - yet it is even more urgent that we pray for the people "who are in high positions" in the city of Kharkov, and the country of Ukraine in these days.    Corruption is a way of life in Ukraine, a country that consistently ranks high as being corrupt (in Transparency International Corruptions Perceptions index in 2011 Ukraine was ranked 152nd out of 183 countries assessed -  While for most Ukrainians it is simply seen as a way of life to pay "incentives" if you want to get something accomplished, in the hands of the enemy of Christ it is more and more often being used against the evangelical church.
Almost all of you who have been in Kharkov have walked the steps to Blagodat (Grace) / New Hope church.  This building was begun in 1995, and for 15 years at least 2 congregations (and as many as 4 or 5) have met here to worship.  Last year the churches paid a substantial amount of money to bring all their documents up to date, and were "judged" as owners of the building and the land.  However, in the past few weeks, the court has decided that those documents are no longer valid.  On Thursday, the appeals court ruled that the church does not "officially" own this building or the property and it reverts back to the government.  Pastor Vitaly Sorokun, who is pastor of New Hope International church and a lawyer, said they really have no recourse at this time.  "They could come in today and bulldoze the building to the ground and we could do nothing."  

I give praise to our Father that he is not taken by surprise, nor is he unable to accomplish his purposes in the Saltavka region of the city of Kharkov.  Your intercession for those in authority, as well as for the body of Christ that meets within these walls is urgently needed.    Ask the Father to grant those in church leadership peace as they navigate this time of uncertainty.  Pray the body of Christ will grow even as the enemy desires to "put it to death." 

We leave this morning (Friday) for Donetsk, then travel tomorrow to the city of Mariupol on the Azov sea, to lead a conference on prayerwalking and spiritual warfare through prayer.  We will return to Kharkov from Donetsk on Sunday.  Please pray for our time of fellowship with the Lord, with one another, and with the church in Mariupol.  

Throughout the coming week:  
- Please pray for our journey back to Kharkov on Sunday - for a time of refreshing, renewal, and fun on the trip.

- Intercede for Living Hope (Pastor Sergei Datsko's church) as they hold an evangelistic outreach and children's VBS this coming week at a park near their church.

- Pray for me (Linda) as I begin to schedule visits to churches during my stateside time from October to January.  Ask the Lord to make clear his plans for my time there.

- We continue to teach Breaking Free (Amanda on Tuesday night with Natasha, Linda on Wednesday evening with women from New Hope church).  Please pray for the women involved in this study to have lives changed by the power of the Holy Spirit - their own lives, as well as the lives of family and friends who are struggling with addictions.

- Many Ukrainian believers are anticipating problems in the economy as well as in society in general when Euro 2012 ends the last week of June.  We are already experiencing changes in visa laws and registration that affect us personally.  Pray as our company seeks to understand and implement these changes for each of our personnel.  Ask the Lord to grant each of us favor with those in authority as we work toward getting new visas and registering in our respective cities.

Thank you as always for coming alongside us through your prayers, your giving, and your "going."  I am prayerfully seeking how the Lord would desire to use volunteer teams in 2013 to go out into the Kharkov oblast alongside our Ukrainian brothers and sisters in Christ.  Pray my heart, mind, eyes, and ears would be focused on our Lord and Savior, that I might know and understand his plans.

IMPACTing the Kharkov region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Team Kharkov Requests June 17th-24th

"Since ancient times, no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him" (Isaiah 64:4).

How often have I "grown weary" of waiting for the Father to work in His way, in His time? Even living for 13 years in a culture where waiting is just part of life, I have not yet learned to do this with joy.  However, this passage promises those who wait for Him to answer our petitions in His way, in His time will see Him act in ways we as humans cannot begin to comprehend.  

Do I believe the promises of Christ:  "Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete (John 16:24b);"  "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours" (Mark 11:24).  He does not instruct me to believe when I see, but to believe when I ask that he is now working to answer.   Thank you for joining alongside Team Kharkov to ask the Father, in the name of Jesus, to work in the hearts of the people in the Kharkov region of Ukraine - that multitudes would enter into a personal, eternal relationship with him.  May we pray, then "let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful" (Hebrews 10:23).
Amanda and Oleg presented before the church
Sunday, June 17th  Thank you for your continuing prayers for Amanda and Oleg.  They have begun the process of applying for a fiance visa for Oleg in preparation for a wedding in Alaska in late October or early November.  Pray for them as they wait upon the process, and upon the Lord's timing for approval.  Ask the Lord to grant them knowledge of his will in the months following their wedding.  (They have begun a blog of their "journey" together at for those of you who would like to keep up with how the Lord is working in their lives.)

Monday, June 18th  Praise to the Father for what he is doing in the life of Vika, a young woman for whom you have prayed over the past year.  We (Linda and Vika) continue the Breaking Free study together each Monday.  Please continue to pray for Vika to allow the Lord to reveal the places in her heart that have been broken, and for his healing to flow into her life.  

Tuesday, June 19th  For the past year Amanda has worked alongside youth leaders at Christian Life Church in Kharkov.  Please continue to pray for Christian Life Church as they seek to strengthen and grow their youth group (some of whom are shown in the photo below).   
Amanda & Oleg with friends from Christian Life Church
Wednesday, June 20th  Although no more games will be played in Kharkov, Euro 2012 football tournament continues, with thousands gathering on Freedom Square in Kharkov to watch the games on huge screens.  There are some evangelical groups handing out tracts and seeking opportunities to share with the fans.  Please continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to work in and through the lives of his people throughout the country who are using this as an opportunity to share Christ with their communities and people from all over Europe.
The FanZone at Freedom Square in Kharkov
Thursday, June 21st  The Book Club english group has ended for the summer, but I met last Thursday with two of the women who have been coming for six years.  As we have waited on the Lord, we have seen him work in both their lives.  Yet I understood through our conversation last week that at least one of the women has not yet chosen to accept Christ as Lord and Savior.  Please pray for all those who have heard the gospel through The Book Club, as the Holy Spirit continues to work in their hearts and minds.  Intercede for them that his Word would bring each one to the place of repentance.

Friday, June 22nd  Amanda and I will travel to Donetsk today to meet up with our colleague Joe Ragan in preparation for a prayerwalking seminar in another city tomorrow. Pray for joy in the journey, and hearts renewed and refreshed by our time together.  

Saturday, June 23rd  We praise the Lord for the opportunity to share with believers in the southern city of Mariupol about prayerwalking and the power of praying God's Word today.  Pray the Lord would go before us, preparing our hearts and the hearts of all who attend to encounter the Lord as we engage the enemy through prayerwalking.  Ask him to grant us eyes to see and ears to hear how he is working in this city.

Sunday, June 24th Pray for Amanda and I as we travel back to Kharkov today from Donetsk.  Intercede for our journey to be filled with a sense of his presence.  Ask the Lord to grant us sweet fellowship with him, and with one another.

We praise God for compelling Southern Baptists to continue to give through the IMB international missions (Lottie Moon) offering!  It was announced this week that $146.8 million was given to support missionaries around the world.  At times Ukrainians ask how we can live here (financially), and I love to share with them how the Lord has united the hearts of Southern Baptists to give sacrificially so we can can serve wherever he leads.  Thank you to all our SBC brothers and sisters for your faithfulness and obedience to give!

Impacting the Kharkov region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Team Kharkov Requests June 10th-16th

"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth." (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

The past few months have seen many changes in the visa laws for Ukraine, leading to a lot of confusion and unanswered questions.  We are so very thankful for Pastor Vitaly Sorokun as he helps in wading through all the changes so that we know what we need to do.  While the new visa laws do not appear to restrict our work as m's any more than in the past, we learned Friday that more changes may be on the way.

Friday, one of our colleagues posted the link to an article on the Risu site (Religious Information Service of Ukraine) with the headline:  "Parliament Wants to make Significant Changes to Law on Freedom of Religion."  While the article really doesn't define what kind of "changes" may take place, we are reminded again how vital are our prayers for those who are making those laws.   (Here is the link should you want to read further:  

For the past week, I have walked daily around the offices that house our Minister of Culture (formerly "Minister of Religion") for the Kharkov region, and have not only prayed  for her relationship with Christ, but also offered thanksgiving to the Lord for putting her in that position.  Over the past 2 years, the relationships our Ukrainian pastors have with her have gotten better, and we praise Him for that favor!  As I read that article on Friday, the Lord quickened my heart even more about the necessity of praying for her, and for all those in authority.  Father, cause me to spend more time praying FOR those in authority to the One who put them there for His purposes than speaking against them, for You are able to turn the heart of the "king" (or President, or Prime Minister, or Congressman....etc.)!   

Sunday, June 10th  Tonight at Central Baptist Church in Kharkov, Amanda and Oleg Bondar will be "presented" to the church, signifying their engagement and commitment to marriage.  We praise the Father for the plans He has for them as a couple united under the bond of Christ.  Pray for both as they continue to seek His will and His plan.  Ask the Lord to grant them favor as they apply for a fiance visa to the U.S. for Oleg so they can be married in Amanda's hometown of Anchorage, Alaska.  

Monday, June 11th  Please continue to pray for Vika, a young woman now going through the "Breaking Free" study with me (Linda) each Monday.  Vika was recently baptized at the home of missionaries from another denomination, and is truly seeking to know Him on a deep, intimate level.  Ask the Lord to grant me wisdom in leading her through the process of allowing Him to set her free in Christ.

Tuesday, June 12th  Pray for Amanda and I as we meet today to finalize plans for the women's conference in Mariupol on June 23rd, a volunteer team from Alabama in July, and plan another women's conference/camp in September.  Intercede for us as we seek to accomplish His purpose in His way during each of these times.  Pray His Word would rise up within our hearts and minds, and that we would be made ready to be His instruments for His glory.

Created with flickr slideshow

Wednesday, June 13th  Euro 2012 will continue throughout the month of June, but tonight is the last match to be played in the city of Kharkov (some of the pictures from the square Fan Zone are in the slideshow at this link:    Petition the Lord to continue to work in the hearts and minds of multitudes as believers in other cities and in Kharkov continue to reach out to those who have come with seeking hearts.  Pray we would see a "harvest of righteousness" (2 Corinthians 9:10) in many lives in the days, weeks, and months to follow.
Thursday, June 14th  "The Book Club" is on hiatus for the summer, but we were blessed with a wonderful time of fellowship in our final meeting last week.  Oleg joined us and "preached" a message in Russian that led to discussion.  Pray the seeds planted for moving this group into a Russian/English Bible study in the future will take root.  Pray for opportunities to meet with many from this group in the summer months for fellowship and encouragement.

Friday, June 15th  Please continue to pray for the outreach this month in the Zalytina region of Kharkov through Living Hope Church.  Plans include ministry at a nearby park, with children's activities, music, and the presentation of the gospel.  Petition the Lord to draw many from this region of the city into fellowship with Him, and with this body of believers as they seek to be His Light in the darkness.

Saturday, June 16th  With Amanda's upcoming marriage come changes in "Team Kharkov" once again.  While Amanda and Oleg plan to remain in Kharkov, and be actively involved in ministry, I will be the only person with our company in the city.  Pray for me as I seek to network with pastors, churches, and other believers to plan for future work in the Kharkov Region.  

IMPACTing the Kharkov Region with the love of Christ!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Team Kharkov Requests June 3rd-9th

"Listen, you heavens, and I will speak; hear, you earth, the words of my mouth.  Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.  I will proclaim the name of the Lord.  Oh, praise the greatness of our God!" (Deut. 32:1-3)
I love springtime in Kharkov!  Months of gray skies, and snow and ice that has become the same kind of gray from thousands of journeys made by thousands of people and pets are suddenly replaced by bright blue, sunny skies and flowers of every color arranged in the multiple flowerbeds in every public park in the city.  Even as the flowers come to life, so do the people of this city, walking through the park at all hours of the day and night.  The blue skies have taken a day off today, replaced by the same color of gray skies dispensing a gentle rain that is being soaked up by a thirsty land.  

I am reminded daily that even though most Ukrainians I know portray a hard, stoic exterior to others who happen to glance their way, many of them have hearts like "tender plants"..... hearts that have had the seed of the Word planted into "soil" that took sometimes years to prepare for the "planting."  Some of the members of "The Book Club," our english conversation group, have reminded us repeatedly how long it has taken for that "seed" to take root, and to begin to grow!  Six years after some in this group began to meet together to have a conversational english group, they are realizing a spiritual thirst that only His Word can satisfy.  May we be faithful to continually proclaim the name of the Lord, praising the greatness of our God through our lives, that the world may know He alone is worthy of praise.
The Book Club discussing Scripture texts from "Courageous"
Sunday, June 3rd  Last week we shared a slideshow from the work on the "new" church building in Zmeeov.  We praise Him for the American team that accomplished so much during the 6 days of work in early May.  But most of the "transformation" you witnessed through the photos to prepare the building for that week was done by Pastor Yuri and several brothers from the church, working with little or no income to accomplish the task.  Please continue to pray for Yuri and his family, as well as pastors throughout the Kharkov region as they seek to minister to their church body, while also working full time when possible to support their families.
Monday, June 4th  After months and months of preparation throughout the country, Euro 2012 Football (soccer) tournament kicks off this week in Poland, and in four cities in Ukraine - including Kharkov.  Many European fans have chosen to either not attend games in Ukraine, or fly to the city for the game and return to Poland or a surrounding country to find accommodations.  Pray the Lord would work in the hearts and minds of multitudes of Ukrainians throughout this month, revealing their only hope is in Christ alone and not in the wealth of the world. 
Fan Zone on Freedom Square

Tuesday, June 5th  Pray for Living Hope Church (Pastor Sergei Datsko) as they seek to use this month of football matches as an "open door" for reaching out to the community surrounding their new church building.  Ask the Lord to draw many children, youth, and adults into fellowship with believers in this church, and into relationship with Christ.

Wednesday, June 6th  Amanda and I are being given opportunities to lead a conference in the southern city of Mariupol (Donetsk region) June 23rd.  Pray the Lord would grant us wisdom as we seek to know His plan for this time.  Intercede for those who will join us for the conference, that He will meet with each one of us there, preparing us to walk in obedience to His will, and His plan.

Thursday, June 7th  Thank you for continuing to pray for each person who attends The Book Club.  Last week we watched the last 1/2 of Courageous, and began discussing the Word as it was shared through that film.  We also talked with the group about moving into a Russian/English Bible discussion (as opposed to just English) as part of The Book Club when we resume in September.  Pray for our final discussion tonight, and for opportunities to meet individually with members of this group during the summer months.
Some of The Book Club members with Amanda
Friday, June 8th  Visa requirements for us have changed in the past few months, and we are in the process of trying to find out what we need to do, and when, in order to meet these requirements.  Pray for our personnel in Kiev as they talk with government officials who are also "discovering" what the new laws mean.  Ask the Lord to go before us as we seek to do whatever is necessary to be in compliance with the new laws.

Saturday, June 9th  Today is the first of 3 matches that will be held in Kharkov for Euro 2012.  Thousands of foreigners are expected to be in the city over the next week.  I have been prayerwalking all around the square and Shevshenko park area of the city for the past weeks whenever possible, asking the Father to direct my steps to people with whom I can share the love of Christ.  Join us in praying the Lord would pour out His Spirit over this region of the country of Ukraine even today as multitudes gather to cheer on their teams.  Pray the Spirit would grant us multiple opportunities for Him to speak through our mouths the words He has chosen.

IMPACTing the Kharkov region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!