"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8).
I received the following in an email this week that focuses on prayer. They are the comments from a conversation between a believer who lived in a communist country in Eastern Europe and had been imprisoned for his faith, and the author. His prayers from a prison cell moved the hearts of communist authorities to allow his son to attend university, something usually not allowed for believers under communism.
"I wondered how this man’s prayers could change the decisions of government leaders. He said with tears running down his face, “Many people come to my country and want to make a big fire for God. I do not want to make a big fire for God. I want to be consumed by God’s fire until I am ashes. When I am ashes, then I will see the glory of God.” He said to me, “When I am consumed totally by God’s fire, then I will see His glory. Do you understand?”
I wanted to say that I understood. But I knew that the man understood the holiness of God in a way that I did not. He experienced a depth in his prayer life that I desired. My encounter with this godly man opened my eyes to a tremendous truth about prayer:
Holiness of heart and power in prayer are inseparable. A life that prays is a life that is wholly yielded to the will of God. It is a life that recognizes the majesty of God and has submitted to His kingship. It is a life that has power and authority in prayer." (Adapted from The Prayer Factor by Sammy Tippit)
Pray we would seek to be people of God who are so totally consumed by God's holiness that we are as "ashes" - and that we might see His glory as we pray in power and humility for His will to be done in our world.
Sunday, March 25th Intercede today for Pastor Vitaly Sorokun and members of New Hope International Church as he leads interested believers in an 8 week Membership Class. Pastor Vee is seeking to lay a foundation for this church that will lead to a growing body of believers in the future. Pray the Lord would draw many internationals from the city of Kharkov who are long-term residents into this church.
Monday, March 26th Please be in prayer for my (Linda's) mom, Ginny, who fell last week and broke her hip. She has already had surgery, already walking a little, and doing well. She should be leaving the hospital today to enter rehab. Pray the Lord would continue to grant her strength physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Lift up my younger sister Teri as she ministers daily to my mom.
Tuesday, March 27th Ask the Father to grant Amanda and I wisdom and knowledge of His will as we prepare for teaching in the city of Lugansk this coming weekend. We will be ministering alongside our colleague, Joe Ragan, and two young men (Michael & Caleb) who are working with him through the "Hands On" program for the next 2 months. I will be leading a conference on prayerwalking, and we will be meeting with youth on Saturday evening. Pray we would have clarity of heart and mind as we prepare.
Wednesday, March 28th We praise Him for how He continues to work through the study of "Breaking Free" to minister to the hearts of International Students and Ukrainian women. There are about 15 International students about to finish up the study (2 weeks of lessons remaining), and 10-15 Ukrainian women who are just beginning (Amanda & Natasha on Tuesdays, Linda with women from New Hope on Wednesdays). Pray for the Lord to work in each of our hearts to tear down strongholds and build up His kingdom within. Petition the Lord to help both Amanda and I as we seek to communicate in Russian with our Ukrainian sisters.
Thursday, March 29th Ask the Lord to reveal to us what He would have us to teach through The Book Club after we conclude our discussion of Romans in the next few weeks. Pray He would continue to lay a foundation in the hearts of those who attend for a new church start in the months to come.
Friday, March 30th Pray for Amanda and I as we make the 5 hour journey to the city of Lugansk today. May we have a safe, uneventful drive, and times of sweet fellowship with one another and with the Lord as we travel. Ask the Lord to give us restful nights in preparation for the ministry to follow on Saturday.
Saturday, March 31st Pray for the women of the Lugansk region as they come together at 10:00 today to learn about prayerwalking. Ask the Lord to "open the eyes of our hearts" to know how to pray, according to His will, for the needs of those around us. Intercede for Amanda, Joe, Michael, and Caleb as they lead a youth fellowship/outreach this evening.
We praise Him for allowing us to be a part of what He is doing in our families, our communities, our country, and our world through prayer! May be be reduced to ashes, consumed by His fire, that He may work in power in and through each of us!
IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine (and beyond) with the love of Christ!
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