Lugansk City Marker |
The first time I heard of "Lugansk, Ukraine" was almost 20 years ago as I listened to a sermon by Dr. Henry Blackaby. He spoke of a church in Seattle, Washington that had many Ukrainians as members. Members of the church who were originally from the city of Lugansk gave their home in this city to the church in Seattle. That "gift" was the beginning of a new church in Lugansk - Emanuel - the same church where I shared about prayerwalking this Saturday. (Shown in the photo below)
I have always gone back to that sermon as the moment when the Lord planted the "seed" for Ukraine in my heart. Although I considered and prayed about other places in the world to serve during the process of applying with our company, I could never seem to get past "Ukraine." This past week (March 27th) I "celebrated" the 13th anniversary of landing in Kiev, Ukraine to begin this journey. Today, He has reminded me once again that His plans are always perfect, always for our good, and always so much better than anything we can imagine! How I praise my Father for the wonderful reminder today of His faithfulness and love.
Palm Sunday (April 1st) May our hearts be filled with praise, thanksgiving, and awe to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as we consider His obedience to enter the city of Jerusalem on the path to Golgotha. Intercede for Amanda and I as we travel from Lugansk to Kharkov this afternoon (morning Central time) after a wonderful weekend of ministry with brothers and sisters in Christ.
Monday, April 2nd Thank you for your prayers for our trip to Lugansk this past weekend. There were over 100 believers for the prayerwalking conference, and probably 40-50 youth for the youth gathering on Saturday evening. Pray the seeds planted in the hearts and minds of young and old alike will take root, grow in strength, and produce much fruit through the power of the Risen Savior.
Tuesday, April 3rd The Lord is using "Breaking Free" to help Ukrainians, Africans, and Amanda and I go deeper in our relationship with Him. Please continue to take before His throne those whose hearts are being made "pliable" in His hands through the power of His word. Pray we can find a distributor for the Russian translation of this material so that future studies can be done.
Wednesday, April 4th Ukrainians love the Easter season, and most will celebrate Easter according to the Orthodox calendar - a week later this year than the date most Western churches will celebrate. Pray hearts will seek Him more than seeking the blessing of man. Petition the Lord to move with power in the hearts of multitudes, changing lives, and impacting cultures.
Thursday, April 5th We completed the book of Romans in The Book Club last week, and asked the group to consider what they would like to read and discuss next. "Let's study more about Jesus and what He did," was the response of Julia, one of our long-time participants in this group. Give thanks to our God for what He has done, and is doing in the lives of those who come. Pray we would have knowledge of His will concerning where to take them in our bible discussion next, and how He would have this group proceed in the future.
Friday, April 6th "Thank you for the cross, Lord! Thank you for the price you paid, taking all my sin and shame, in love you came, and gave amazing grace!" This song came to my heart and mind as I thought about this day! As I consider Good Friday, and the cross of Christ, I am overwhelmed by His willingness to die for even me! May our hearts be focused on Him this day.....may we take up our cross, and follow Him as never before because of His amazing grace! Lord, we praise you! We thank you! May we honor you with our lives as never before!
Saturday, April 7th Although not certain, our hope is that the International group of Breaking Free will meet today to discuss the next to the last lesson! Pray for each and every participant of this group as the Word of God continues to move with power in their hearts. Ask Him to grant them the strength, and the desire to make the changes and commitment in their lives that will impact eternity.
Thank you for your prayers for my mom. She is doing well, and is now in rehab to learn how to "navigate" better with her new hip replacement. We hope she is able to be back home in about 2 weeks.
Blessings to each of you as remain faithful to pray for the people of the Kharkov region (and beyond) in Ukraine! He IS faithful to His promises, and He is answering our petitions! Thank you for being partners in this endeavor to honor Him through our ministry of prayer!
IMPACTing the Kharkov Region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!