Friday, September 16, 2011

Team Kharkov Requests September 18th-24th

"And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all good things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." (2 Cor. 9:8, NIV)

As I write this I am sitting in a room filled with 8 Ukrainian women, each of whom came through drug/alcohol rehabilitation and are now actively involved ministering to women who are struggling with the same addictions from which they have found freedom.  One of the churches represented has a flyer they use that shows pictures of 10 or 15 men and women in "before" and "after" pictures - before and after Jesus Christ transformed their lives.  Their beautiful faces are shown in the photo below.

We are gathered in a small city outside Kiev for a 2 1/2 day conference for Christian rehabilitation center leaders, both men and women, from all over Ukraine.  As I listen to them share their hearts and their stories I am reminded again of the abundant blessings of the Lord in my own life and, in reality, in the lives of each of us.  Many of the almost 100 people here work without pay in rehabilitation centers and churches because they are compelled by the love of Christ to help others find freedom.  They find He is their provider, filling their lives with all they need, so they may "abound in every good work" He calls them to.

Our desire as Team Kharkov is much like the desire of each of these beautiful brothers and sisters in Christ.  Through your prayers, we have the opportunity to encourage, teach, and come alongside our Ukrainian brothers and sisters who are passionate in their desire to be instruments in the hands of the Lord in their homes, their cities, their country, and the world.  We praise Him for His answers to your prayers for us, and for the people of Eastern Ukraine!

Please join us again this week in prayer for the following:

  • Churches throughout Ukraine will celebrate "zhatva" (thanksgiving for the harvest) on Sundays in September and October.  Pray the Lord of the Harvest will use each and every one of these celebrations to open the hearts of nonbelievers who might come for this special time.  Intercede for believers to recognize the Lord's desire to use their lives each day as light in the darkness of this world, leading others to Christ.
  • Pray for me (Linda) as I travel on Sunday (Sept. 18th) to Budapest for an annual post-cancer check up.   Ask the Lord to grant me opportunities for sweet fellowship with Him as I go each day to different doctors for annual tests, and for opportunities to share Him with those He brings across my path.
  • Pray for Amanda and Natasha as they continue to study of "Experiencing God" each Tuesday.  Petition the Lord to use this time of fellowship to encourage and grow both in their relationship with Him, and with one another.
  • Ask the Lord to clearly direct our paths individually and corporately as we seek His face concerning future ministry in the Kharkov region of Ukraine.  Pray we would know which opportunities are from His hand for this time.  Ask Him to grant us both Ukrainian "partners" in our individual work, and as a team.
  • Pray for Amanda as she leads the first meeting of "The Book Club" English group on Saturday, September 24th at 3:00 p.m.  Ask the Lord to give us wisdom as we seek to transition this group that has met and read the Bible together for 5 years to meeting one evening a week instead of Saturday.  Intercede for those who are coming and seeking the Lord to continue meeting with us at a new time, and in a new place.
  • I praise the Lord for the opportunity to meet with many rehab center leaders from all over Ukraine.  Pray the Father would raise up Ukrainian brothers and sisters in the Kharkov region with a desire to minister to those in bondage to drugs and alcohol.  Ask the Lord to give me wisdom and understanding in knowing how He might choose to use me to encourage and help those He calls to minister to those in addiction and their families.
IMPACTing the Kharkov region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

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