Saturday, August 20, 2011

Team Kharkov Requests August 21st-28th

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path....The unfolding of Your words gives light;" (Psalm 119:105, 130a NIV)

Thank you for your prayers for all of us through this past week of saying goodbye to co-workers/friends/family, and getting me (Linda) moved to our company-owned apartment.  While there were some unexpected "turns" to the move (the movers not coming when scheduled), the Lord brought some wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ alongside us to help with carrying everything down from the old apartment and up three flights of stairs into the new.  Without their help, it would have been much later than 9:00 p.m. when we finished!

Please continue praying for us throughout this coming week!  Here's how you might come alongside us in prayer.

Sunday, August 21st - Pray for me as I get the final things done at the old apartment and garage, and seek to make the new apartment "live-able" for the young couple who will stay here with Shadow while I am gone from Wednesday to Monday.   Ask the Lord to cause everything to fall into place that things might get done easily.

Monday, August 22nd  Amanda and I will be speaking for 3 days at a retreat this week in the Donetsk region (about 2 hours south of Kharkov).  Pray for us as we use Monday and Tuesday to go over our translated lessons in preparation for speaking in Russian without a translator for our sessions.  Ask the Lord to quicken to our hearts and minds His Words, and to give us the ability to speak clearly and distinctly in Russian.

Tuesday, August 23rd  Ask the Lord to enable us to get everything done (copies of all the handouts, preparation of our homes) on this final full day in Kharkov before the retreat.  Pray He would grant us rest even in the midst of all that must be accomplished.

Wednesday, August 24th  Amanda and I will travel today to a retreat center in "Svyatogorsk" ("Holy City," shown in the photo above).  Pray for a sweet time of fellowship with one another and with the Lord as we make the journey.  Ask the Lord to continue to wash over our hearts and minds what He has put upon our hearts to teach.

Thursday, August 25th  We will be teaching from the book of Colossians this morning to about 80 Ukrainian sisters.  Pray the Lord enables both of us to speak clearly in Russian.  Ask Him to prepare the hearts of our sisters to hear His Words, and not ours.  Pray for the women as they spend time each day in small groups discussing what the Spirit has spoken to them.

Friday, August 26th  The theme of this women's conference is "Rooted and Growing In Christ."  Pray the Lord would cause His Word to take each of us deeper into Jesus, knowing Him more intimately as we allow His Word to penetrate our hearts.

Saturday, August 27th  This will be our last day of teaching during the retreat.  Pray the Holy Spirit will bring all that He has spoken through His Word the past few days to bear fruit in the lives of each one of us.

Sunday, August 28th  Pray for our time of fellowship this day as we worship and celebrate what the Lord has done through the retreat.  Intercede for each of the women who have come to have hearts, minds, and spirits refreshed and renewed through the "washing with water through the Word" (Eph. 5:26).

Monday, August 29th  Amanda and I will be driving back to Kharkov today.  Ask the Lord to grant us safety on the journey.  Pray for our Ukrainian sisters as they return to their families and homes today.  Petition the Lord to continue to cause His Word to change our hearts and minds in the days and weeks ahead, as He takes what we have learned and grants us opportunities to "put it into practice" in our daily lives.

We covet your prayers as we both assume new responsibilities that were once handled by Keith as team leader.  Pray He will guide our steps as we work more closely planning with our Ukrainian partners in ministry and volunteer teams called to minister in the Kharkov region.

IMPACTing the Kharkov region of Ukraine with the love of Christ!

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